
Yummy Tummy Tuesdays – Mango Pancakes

2 cups Trader Joes
Multigrain Pancake and Baking mix

3/4 cup milk

3/4 cup mango pulp
(you can get this at any Indian grocery store)

1 egg

2 tsps oil

Butter – for

Trader Joes Maple
Agave Syrup

Mix all ingredients
together and stir to ensure it is lump-free. Pour about ¼ cup of
batter on preheated griddle. Add butter around the edges to cook.
Turn when bubbles form and cook the other side – and these turn out
to a wonderful shade of golden-brown because of the mango.

Serve hot with maple
syrup and top with butter!

Tip: You can also
serve with berries/bananas!

(PS: Could not take any photos of the actual pancakes this time as the kids couldn’t wait to eat it!)

This is a favorite
lunch item for the kids – they don’t mind eating it cold, hot, or
anyway! As long as it is pancakes with some maple syrup on top. And I
feel a little less guilty sending this for lunch as the TJs
Multigrain mix is filling and nutritious in itself (healthy, hearty, and makes kids happy)!

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