The Memes:
The intro to my memes:
What the Broke and Bookish say about their TTT: Each week we will post a new Top Ten list that one of our bloggers here at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND add your name to the Linky widget so that everyone can check out other bloggers lists! Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
• Grab your current read and open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!Top Ten Tuesdays over at The Broke and the Bookish – the theme this week – the top ten books you would love have Santa give you. Again it is difficult to choose just ten This list contains a few from my last years list but I removed a couple of others (some which I got over the last year – like ‘The Three Fat Men’ and others which I still need but not in my top ten anymore). I also recalled my Happy Haulidays list from last year and got some from that list.
1. Oh! The Places You’ll Go by Dr.Seuss (I have one copy, but want to get a couple more to work on this fascinating project for the little ones – you can click here :)!)
2. The Book Thief
3. The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared – found this on Amazon and the title itself caught my attention
4. The Wind in the Willows (illustrated) – this edition – I loved this book for everything it is and would love a wonderfully illustrated version of this book.
5. 642 Things to draw/712 more things to draw/642 things to write about
6. This is NPR
7. More Things Like This
8. Calvin and Hobbes complete series
9. Tintin complete series
10. Enid Blytons (as many as I can get)
11. Robert Sabuda popup books
For Teaser Tuesdays at Should be Reading, another teaser from Ben Crystal’s Shakespeare on Toast. This book continues to amaze me as I continue to read it amidst my attempt to finish challenges, and finish other books I am reading as well! ‘We can’t ignore the fact that Shakespeare is 400 years older than us, after all, and he used different slang words, different swear words, had different ways of saying I love you. Not only that, he went through a completely different education system from us, read different books as an adult, and so made different cultural references in his plays.’
– pg 93 of digital RC, Shakespeare on Toast by Ben Crystal
For NaBloPoMo, where today’s prompt is:
Do you feel most comfortable being a leader, a follower, or a collaborator?
I guess it depends on whom I am working with 🙂 I can, like I said yesterday, I am a ‘jack-of-all(well, a few)-talents’ and that also means the roles of leader,follower, or collaborator.
When I am with my son’s cub scout den, I am a leader – their den leader – which means planning, organizing, ensuring the boys complete their requirements for their badges, and above all, that they have fun! But when I go to a pack meeting for the scouts, where we have a cubmaster who lets us know what needs to be done, I am a follower and a collaborator.
When I am at work, I am a collaborator, working with my team mates to ensure deadlines are met. At home, I am a little bit of everything, well, don’t all moms need to be?
And of course, I am a follower also – following other Pinteresters, twitterers, bloggers, and such:)
The Product Review
Product Review and Giveaway:
As a health-conscious mom, I try to cook balanced meals at home most days but as all moms know, some days, you want to step back, relax, and let someone else do the work for you. That is when the vast array of prepared foods helps best. I admit I always have a couple of frozen food items for those days! So when Farm Rich Snacks offered me two coupons to try out any of their two products for review, I said, “Yes”, and here is my review.

Farm Rich offers many products but being vegetarians ourselves, the choices were reduced to the meatless options for me already. Also, the closest local stores carried only few of the products. You can use their friendly product finder to check this. I finally decided on the MarinaraMozarella Cheese Sticks and I will be using the second coupon for the same based on the response at home.
We had this with our dinner of pasta and salad as well as a snack another day (the package is resealable) and it was a hit with the kids. We adults loved it too, but we ‘need-to-shed-some’ adults had to resist the temptation to devour these, so we had a taste and stuck to the salad mainly!
The kids though, want it again (which means another trip to the store as we devoured the first pack). The cheese tasted great and the marinara, which I worried might make the sticks soggy, squirted out a couple of times as the kids bit into it much to their excitement, but it was good and did not sog up the sticks.
The product is reasonably priced, and yummy. It is also zero-trans fat. If the sodium content was just a little lower, that would have been even more greater. And though I do not use any frozen foods too often, this product will be a welcome addition in my freezer for those days that I need to
just … chill:)
And for all of you, who would love to try this for yourselves, for those days you want to relax, Farm Rich Snacks have offered two coupons to giveaway to one lucky reader (sent directly to the giveaway winner ($6.99 value each) from Farm Rich). You can try to win a chance for free snacks at their website here
*Disclosure: I received two coupons to try out free Farm Rich products for my reviews. No other compensation was given. All opinions expressed are my own.
just found your blog
pin follow as jacksondeb
gfc follow debijackson
ent margaret and the moth gw debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
Awesome giveaway!
I love your recipes section. Everything sounds so delicious!
I love your great giveaways.
love your blog thanks for all the great giveaways!
nice to find your blog
Just found your blog clicking on a ReTweet. Your review post within this giveaway caught my attention.
New Pinterest follower – yonawrites.
New Google Connect Friend – Yona
the background is very brown…love the giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway I follow via GFC.
I love farm rich!.
I follow via pinterest
maria_nay at
It's my first visit and I like the blog's title!
I like all the recipes, and that there are some for recipe dummies like me!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
I follow you on Pinterest: coriwestphal (
coriwestphal at msn dot com
GFC: Kristen
Thank you for offering a giveaway.
I am following you on pinterest as nickieandremus
I just discovered your blog…. I love it. Will definitely be a repeat visitor!
I follow you on gfc as David Lintz
I follow you on pinterest as 1froglegs
Thanks foR hosting the FaRm Rich giveaway on youR blog.
thanks for the giveaway