
Yummy Tummy Tuesdays – Edible Bouquets and more..

Top Ten Theme over at The Broke and the Bookish this week is the Top Ten Books that deal with tough issues:
I picked books across various issues and age-groups focusing on children’s and YA books as this week is Children’s Book Week. I hope to review a couple of books each day and/or focus on children’s books in the memes I participate in as well as much as I can.
Books for the very young:
  1. The Giving Tree
  2. The Kissing Hand
  3. Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon
  4. Is a Worry Worrying You?
  5. World on a String
  6. The Hundred Dresses
Books for the young:
  1. What Katy Did
  2. The Book Thief
Books for the not so young:
  1. The Kite Runner
  2. The Sari Shop
  3. Lord of the Flies/Last Man in the Tower

I could have gone on and on and added more books – but decided to stop with these.
And while you are here, do enter my giveaway for Children’s Book Week here.

A twist on Teaser Tuesdays:
Today, my teaser is from the book ‘Edible Party Bouquet‘ and it is from page 97 of the book – Aren’t these too-cute to resist? That is exactly what it says – Too-cute Tulips
This teaser is from the ARC I received from NetGalley sometime back (review below).

And for my Yummy Tummy Tuesday post: a book review

Peg Couch
My thoughts: We love fruits, we love chocolate, we love bouquets, and we love
presentations – this is the book for us! My little girl enjoys helping me in
the kitchen – her favorite new question – ‘what can I do next to help you in
the kitchen?’ So this book is wonderful in that aspect as well – she can help
arrange the bouquets as I cut and ready the fruits. The steps provided are
detailed and clear. Each arrangement also has enough photos to explain the
steps and the finished product better – this is a boon in such a book. 
Rating: A
I will post a picture of the edible bouquet my little one
and I create soon (hopefully within the week!) on my blog.

Disclaimer: Thank you to NetGalley for providing me an eBook for review. All opinions are my own and not influenced by the publisher/author. 

For dVerse OpenLinkNight, here is one I wrote last week for Sunday Scribblings, Sunday Whirl, and Succinctly Yours but this never found its way from my document to the blog but here it is finally for OpenLinkNight and the photo Grandma had provided for Succinctly Yours as well

Secret Flavors and Fortunes
The sous-chef was all charm today

His thunderous front not withstanding

He dished out gourmet dishes

A thousand, it seemed, at last count

Red tomato soup

Dishes of greens, yellows, oranges too

Salads with dressings new

Dishes pulsing with myriad flavors coalesced

Meats and veggies grilling on spits

He recalled the fuzzy remains of a dream

Of the messages a magical parrot gave him

But oh! What was the last one it picked?

Out of the fortune tellers cards?

“Be careful”, it had said,

“Within the feast might lie a vengeance of old”

And as he feared the worst,

as he had whined of the sous-chef in the past

“Was it poison in the feast before him?”

Just then, out of the corner of his eye

He saw, as the chef readied a soup-bowl for him

The secret flavor – spit!

10 thoughts on “Yummy Tummy Tuesdays – Edible Bouquets and more..

  1. What a fabulous book list. My son's favorite book when he was little was The Giving Tree. His favorite book his senior year of high school was The Kite Runner. You have great taste in books!

  2. I think I'm the only person ever to not get into The Book Thief. I just couldn't get into it despite my best efforts.

    I did love The Kite Runner although it made me bawl my eyes out at parts.

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