Books, Technology, Writing

X is Xenial: X is for X-Men, Xenolith and (e)Xtensibility

My theme: something about books, something about poetry, and something about tech – QA in specific. And X is Xenial: X is for X-Men, Xenolith and (e)Xtensibility


Entertainment Corner

X is Xenial: X is for X-Men

The Book(Comics) and the Movie(s):

In my quest for a book into movie for this letter, I was stumped; and could find nothing at all and then remembered the X-Men. Some titles do have the word Uncanny in them, but these comics began their lives as X-Men, and again later as well.

So X is for X-Men and I have to be honest here; I have read a few of the comics simply because I have enjoyed reading super-hero comics as a child and when I found these later as an adult, gave them a try. I enjoyed the ones I did read but it has been a while since I read them. As for the movies, I think I watched one of the movies in the series, and again, while it was a fun watch, I cannot say I will be watching too many of the X-Men series movies though I am otherwise a BIG superhero movie fan (Avengers et al!)

The Question: The Book(s) or the Movie(s)

As for me, I cannot honestly give you an answer here so I will let you readers vote if you have either read the comics, watched the movies or both..

[yop_poll id="24"]

Poetry Corner

X is Xenial: X is for Xenolith

What is the Xenolith poetic form and how to write it?

A xenolith (“foreign rock”) is a rock fragment that becomes enveloped in a larger rock during the latter’s development and solidification

And this term was used by a poet to invent a new poetic form – as you can possibly guess by the above definition – a poem within a poem! You can read the story behind it here. For any poetic form to get recognized formally as one, enough people have to write poems using the form so while this does not seem to have that recognition yet, it is from that elusive letter X, so here it is!

The xenolith is a 15 line poem. Seven of the lines have twelve syllables per line and are mono-rhymed. Eight of the lines have eight syllables per line and are written in rhyming couplets. You can separate the 12 syllable lines from the 8 syllable lines and have two complete poems. (h/t: Carol Ward – the inventor of this form)

So the Xenolith’s features are:

  • It is a 15-line poem
  • Syllabic – Lines 1, 3, 5, 8, 11, 13, and 15 have 12 syllables each; the rest of the lines (2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14) have 8 syllables each
  • Has a rhyme structure – a b a b a c c a d d a e a e a; where the ‘a’ rhyme is for the 12-syllable lines; and the other rhymes are for the 8-syllable lines


Carol Ward and PoetryMagnumOpus

My Example Xenolith:

It is WIP currently – this structure does require lots of walking on my part to get those creative ideas flowing. 🙂 but you can look at Carol Ward’s example poem for inspiration here.

QA Corner

X is Xenial: X is for (e)Xtensibility

What is (E)Xtensibility?

Extensibility in software engineering is a principle where software is designed and implemented with future growth of the software kept in consideration. Extensibility is therefore the ease with each the software can be extended and/or changed to accommodate future requirements; either by addition of new functionality or modification of existing features. The more extensible the system, the lower the impact on it when changes are made and lower efforts and costs needed to make those changes. One example of an extensible software many might be familiar with is Extensible Markup Language (XML).

h/t and further reading resources:

Wrapping up the X Post

What are your comments or questions about today’s post? I would love to hear from you. Check out previous posts in this challenge using the links below.

Day 0 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6Day 7  Day 8Day 9Day 10Day 11 Day 12 Day 13  Day 14  Day 15 Day 16 Day 17

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Linking up to BlogChatter A to Z, A to Z Blogging Challenge, and the Ultimate Blog Challenge

ultimate blog challenge


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