Book Review:
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

Here is my review in verse (should have done this for Love and Leftovers!! – the novel in verse I reviewed on Monday) – for my Wednesday review post as well as dVerse OpenLinkNight (head on over there to read really wonderful poetry by so many talented poets)
The Night Circus was truly magical
Here was a book that I loved
Every page held its own allure
Never boring – these pages of black and white
Interested and intrigued me, held me captive
Giving a little, holding back more
Here were two star-crossed lovers of a different type
Two bound to each other to compete, they instead found
Comfort in each other, and love of the kind that
Instigates rose petals to flutter, glasses to shatter, and
dishes to clatter
dishes to clatter
Romance in The Night Circus was of the sweetest kind, the
one that simmers, glimmers, shivers
one that simmers, glimmers, shivers
Characters in the book each had a story, that was told, but
not fully so
not fully so
Using the circus as the arena to compete, Marco and Celia
created magic
created magic
So wonderful that it still stays with me, after I have
turned the last page and said a good-bye
turned the last page and said a good-bye
Rating: A
For ABC Wednesday’s letter of the week, D, I am continuing my theme of women authors:
Banerjee Divakaruni is the author I
am featuring this week.
Banerjee Divakaruni is the author I
am featuring this week.
I read and enjoyed these three novels by Chitra though I read them
before my blog so have not reviewed them on my blog but I loved them all! I am
not sure I can say exactly which one among these is my favorite read though.
before my blog so have not reviewed them on my blog but I loved them all! I am
not sure I can say exactly which one among these is my favorite read though.
- Arranged Marriage: Stories (1995)
- The Mistress of Spices (1997)
- Sister of My Heart (novel) (1999)
I also had Palace of Illusions on my table for sometime with a great
pile of books from the library and had to return all of them to the library
because of an unexpected trip (and they hae not made their journey back from
the library to my house) though my unexpected trip’s journeys hae ended long since!
I do plan to read it later this year though along with a new children’s
book she has written in 2012.
book she has written in 2012.
A quote from Sister of My Heart
“I guess there’s a lot we hope for that never happens.”
Two other authors I would like to mention are:
- Anita
Desai – my review of her book Fasting,
Feasting can be found here. ‘Papa’s stories tended to be painful. Mama’s had to do with
food — mostly sweets — and family. But the stories were few, and brief. That
could have been tantalising — so much unsaid, left to be imagined – but the
children did not give the past that much thought because MamaPapa seemed
sufficient in themselves. Having fused into one, they had gained so much in
substance, in stature, in authority, that they loomed large enough as it was;
they did not need separate histories and backgrounds to make them even more
immense.’ – From Fasting, Feasting - Kate
DiCamillio – the author of the beloved ‘The Tale of Despereaux: being the story of a
mouse, a princess, some soup, and a spool of thread (2003)’. I also started
reading ‘The Miraculous Journey of
Edward Tulane (2006)’ because my son wanted to read it and picked it up
from the library. We love these books and of course, I enjoyed the movie of
Despereaux as well.
For Wondrous Words Wednesday: From Bleak House by Charles Dickens: I am finally making a dent in reading this book. Here are a few words from the book that were unfamiliar(either the words or their usage in this book) to me:
- spar 1 n. a thick, strong pole such as is used for a mast or yard on a ship. the main longitudinal beam of an airplane wing. Middle English: shortening of Old French esparre, or from Old Norse sperra; related to Dutch spar and German Sparren.
- Usage in the book that was new to me: ‘watching the frosty trees, that were like beautiful pieces of spar, and
the fields all smooth and white with last night’s snow, and the sun, so
red but yielding so little heat,’
- Usage in the book that was new to me: ‘watching the frosty trees, that were like beautiful pieces of spar, and
- beadle n. BRIT. a ceremonial officer of a church, college, or similar institution. – SCOTTISH a church officer assisting the minister. – HISTORICAL a minor parish officer dealing with petty offenders. Old English bydel ‘a person who makes a proclamation’, gradually superseded in Middle English by forms from Old French bedel, ultimately of Germanic origin; related to German Büttel, also to BID
- Usage in the book made the meaning a little obious and the word a little familiar: ‘very hot and frightened and crying loudly, fixed by the neck between two
iron railings, while a milkman and a beadle, with the kindest
intentions possible, were endeavouring to drag him back by the legs,
under a general impression that his skull was compressible by those
- Usage in the book made the meaning a little obious and the word a little familiar: ‘very hot and frightened and crying loudly, fixed by the neck between two
And while you are here, do go ahead and enter the giveaway on my blog here.An update to my Wednesday post:
For 3WW: backfire, embarrass, taste
Scaling Recipes – Do with Care
This week seems to be
My week of mushy –
Food that is.
Made a sweet dish
On way to a friends for brunch.
A reliable recipe it was, to make it a cinch;
And in a bid to make more
Increased the amount of the ingredients galore.
But oh no, I guess
The proportions were a mess
A mush it turned out to be..
But my dear friends and my family, of course
In order not to embarrass
Poor old me
Said, “The taste is heavenly”.
Based on a recent real-life incident:)
nice…a poetic review….and i have seen this book a few times and keep hearing good things…i need to check it out….
three more authors I DON'T know. sigh
nice poem
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
I gotta get baCK TO reading.
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team i'm curious and think i def. should check out that book…lovely idea to write a poetic book review
Great how you went about the review in verse and more to check out at my show.
Enjoyed the poem. Great ending.
I love Kate diCamillo as well. I've read 3 of herbooks to my class this year and the kids loved them all (the 2 you mentioned as well as Because of Winn Dixie)
Haven't heard of the other 2 but the sound interesting.
Loved the review in verse! What an original idea.
Ohhh Bleak House. I read it (for the Classics Club) and loved it last year, but it is a commitment as well as a weight lifting regime!
I also love Kate di Camillo. I once heard her talk about the fact that writers for children are almost duty bound to end with hope. I now assess all children's book by this idea.
3WW – Delicious…!
Love Night Circus… and mush can be scary at my house sometimes.
I only knew spar as to practice fighting and didn't know beadle at all. Good words today!
I am blown away, swept off my feet, utterly gob-smacked by your review in verse.
A review in verse! How unique and a true pleasure.
well at least they love you enough to say that.
So much to digest. Thank you! You have inspired me to check in the library for "Sister of my Heart"
Had to laugh at the culinary adventure. Pretty much the story of my life. Be happy this was unusual for you 🙂
Mushy peas……Mmmmmmm!
Bleak House is one of my favourite books, even though I've only ever managed to half read it twice. I still remember learning amaneunsis from it. His vocabulary is extraordinary and such a rich source for a WWW.