For ABC Wednesday, letter U:
I bring pieces of history for the letter U
First, the USS Hornet – we did an overnight trip on the USS Hornet with other scouts and their families from my son’s scout pack earlier this year. Our visit is recorded here.
Also, included is a photo here from that trip, modified to look, maybe old and historic (I do not claim to be a photo edit expert) using Picasa.
And in a few months, we will be visiting the USS Pampanito, another piece of history, again, as part of our scouting program. We are already looking forward to this overnight trip though it is in far-away May of 2013.
Another U for me this week is Upcoming Book reviews. I had hoped to have finished a couple of books on my current reads by today and reviewed but since they are not, the reviews will come over the next week. Look forward to my upcoming reviews of:
Shakespeare on Toast by Ben Crystal (digital RC from NetGalley)
Pride and Prejudice (personal copy – for challenges this year)
Where the Sidewalk Ends (personal copy – for challenges this year)
There are more books I want to finish and review but these will do for now.:)
The letter U also brings to memory a game we used to play as kids back in India, and one that I have taught my kids now. We traditionally use paper and pencil for this game but our version currently is paperless as we mostly play it on walks or car rides to while away the time.
The name of the game – ‘Name, Place, Animal, Thing’.
Brief description:
Number of players: 2 or more
How to play:
Pick a letter of the alphabet – you could ask another player to start thinking the alphabet when you say start and stop on your signal. The letter the player stops at is the letter to use.
Each player has to write a person name (Adam), place name(Austria), animal(Alligator), thing(Apple)
Once all players are done writing, they each read out their responses.
Points can be scored by who completes first to last – eg. player 1 gets 5 points (if 5 players)
Points can also be scored by reducing points for common answers – eg: players get 10 points for each unique response and 5 points when someone else has the same one
The game can be played repeatedly.
The game can be made easier or tougher (eg: only include City names for Place)
Now, why did the letter U make me recall this game? Animals from U:) There are a lot – if you google – but uncommon, so not familiar, a little unknown to most people!
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Do you enjoy teaching others? Talk about a time you taught someone how to do something.
:)The answer in part two of my Wednesday post later today.
Yes, I've played the game with trying to find UNIQUE answers to questions. In fact, I think some game company has turned it into a board game, but I don't remember the name.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
thank you Roger, for ABC.. and for your comments.. π
Wow, it must be awesome to see USS Hornet!
Rose, ABC Wednesday Team
was wonderful
What a fun game to pass the time during a car trip!
abcw team
thank you leslie.. it sure was fun when we played it as children and is still fun now when i play with my children