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Sunday Scribblings #114: We Just Need One to Begin

We just need one to begin; one step to run a marathon, one word to write a book, one syllable to pen a poem, one step to dance, and well, just one to begin anything at all our mind fancies. September 15th has a cool celebration, International Dot Day. It all began with a dot, or rather the book that began with a dot, simply titled, The Dot by Peter Reynolds. Today’s poetic form uses a similar concept, begin with one.

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Notepad and a pen over it with a cup of coffee next to it. words read Sunday Scribblings, and this is for Sunday Scribblings #114: We Just Need One to Begin

Poetic Sundays: The Monolilquie Has One to Begin Definitely

(and ends with one too!)

I have been wanting to feature this poetic form since I first saw it ages ago. So this seemed to be the perfect way to share it with you. The monolilque created by Gerald Bostock fits the theme of one to begin (and end too incidentally) so very well that I had to make it the form for this Poetic Sunday.

So What is the Monolilquie Poem?

The monolilquie poetic form starts and ends with the same word (which is also the title of the poem). It is mono-rhymed and while there is no restriction on the number of lines or number of syllables/words per line, each line should be as short as possible. With the mono-rhyme restriction, and line count/word count freedom, this poem can get seriously absurd pretty soon!

Have fun with it!

ht and Reference: PoetsCollective

The Monolilquie Poetic Form’s Characteristics

So the monolilque’s elements are that at its most basic, it is:

  • rhymed: mono-rhyme all the way
  • without restrictions on the number of lines or syllables per line
  • titled: has a single word title
  • usually a one-stanza poem that is wrapped within the same word starting and ending the poem, which is also the title word


  • Pick your title word (the one to begin with, that is) carefully. It should be something you can expand on, expound on, and easily find rhyming words for.
  • Play with the word(s). Add descriptors galore to add lines to the poem, make up silly actions (rhyming at the end of course) for the main word or for others in between, make up new words to rhyme if you wish, and rhyme in creative ways.

My Attempt (or the one to begin with!)


I found my nook
To read, by hook
or by, you know, crook
as I hide from cook-
ing tonight. In my nook
I’ll read, even if shook
or even if quook;
not gobbledygook,
I found quook
in a book,
~vidya tiru @ ladyinreadwrites

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On My Blog

This past week:

On the Homefront

Not much happened though we had friends over for lunch and dinner this Saturday. We had a wonderful time catching up.

Upcoming (Hopefully this Week is the One to Begin Again)

On My Blog and On the Homefront

reusing what I wrote last week:

More posts of course.. and hoping to get a variety in this week. And I have a couple of projects planned for the upcoming Navratri festivities, so stay tuned to see those updates here


Literary Celebrations (close-to-it also!)

  • Literary birthdays this week include: Michael Ondaatje and James Frey (Pittacus Lore) on Sept 12; Daniel Defoe, Roald Dahl on the 13th; Geraldine Brooks on the 14th; Tomie dePaola, Agatha Christie, Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay, and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie on the 15th; James Alan McPherson, Julia Donaldson, H.A. Rey on Sept 16; Anant Pai, Cheryl Strayed, William Carlos Williams, Gail Carson Levine, Ken Kesey on 17th Sept; Samuel Johnson on the 18th; Rebecca Skloot on the 19th of Sept
  • Observe National Live Creative Day on the 14th of Sept by living creatively..
  • Learning is continuous, so it is wonderful we can do so online as well. Sept 15th is  National Online Learning Day
  • Smithsonian Day is observed annually on the 17th
  • Read An eBook Day on the 18th gives us the perfect reason to read …. an eBook!!
  • It is Talk Like a Pirate Day on the 19th!

Foodie Celebrations

Other Celebrations and Observations

Wrapped Up: My Sunday Scribblings

So dear reader, you have reached the end of this Sunday Scribblings! As always, I welcome your thoughts, comments, and suggestions about this post. Will you be attempting to begin with one?And, of course, do let me know if you plan to celebrate any of these mentioned celebrations this coming week/month?

Linking this to the Sunday Post over at the Caffeinated Reviewer and the Sunday Salon

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