Another week; another wanted poster for me. This time, it will say, Wanted: Less Crazy, More Serenity, Please…..
It has certainly been a crazy week this past week; I wish I could have been that ostrich burying its head in the sand. But sadly, there is no sand I can bury my head deeply enough in to escape all that is happening around us. And to top it off, an ostrich burying its head in the sand is apparently a myth!! So, I really can’t even do that. So shall we simply fast forward to inauguration week? Or no?
Since we cannot do that, I will simply wish for less crazy… and try to move on with what I can do.

Poetic Sundays
Today’s form is a comparatively modern invented poetic form called the Etheree, named after its creator, American poet Etheree Taylor Armstrong (Feb. 12, 1918-March 14, 1994).
So what is the Etheree?
The Etheree is a simple unrhymed progressive syllabic poem of 10 lines, where syllable count equals line number. That is, the first line has one syllable, the second line two, and so on till the last/tenth line of the poem.
It has since taken on other appearances, like an inverted or reverse Etheree, a stacked or multiple Etheree, and more. The form lends itself to adaptations easily, and to rhythm and meaning as the poet chooses. You can choose to center align or left align (or even right align) the poem as you wish. I did not see anything regarding this anywhere.
The Etheree’s Characteristics
So the Etheree’s elements are (in its most basic form):
- decastich: 10 line poem
- syllabic: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 syllables by line
- unrhymed: abcdefghij
- themed: focuses on an idea or subject
h/t: Owlcation , ShadowPoetry
Play With the Form
While sticking to the element of writing the poem around a central idea or subject, feel free to play with the form by writing one of these variations, or make your own version of it.
- Reverse or Inverted Etheree: the same as the basic form but with syllable counts from 10 to 1
- Unrhymed decastich with a decreasingly progressive syllabic count of 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
- Stacked or Multiple Etheree: get creative and include multiple Etherees back to back (double, triple, quadruple, and so on). Have the syllable counts go from 1 to 10 for each Etheree, or alternate between the basic and a reverse Etheree.
- Stack multiple Etheree back to back to back…
- Syllabic count variations can include:
- 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 … and more of the same for additional multiples
- 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10- 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 … and so on for as long a poem as you need it
- Twin Etheree: This was developed by Robert Crockett of Kansas and is based on the Etheree. It consists of ten rhyming couplets where the lines of each couplet have syllabic count equal to the couplet number.
- A poem with 20 lines (double decastich, if you will)
- Syllabic: 1-1-2-2-3-3-4-4-5-5-6-6-7-7-8-8-9-9-10-10 (syllable counts increase from 1 to 10 for each couplet)
- Rhymed: aabbccddeeffgghhiiijj
- So you can see that each line of the Etheree is twinned (in a way) to arrive at this form….
- Make Your Own version of the Etheree!
My Example
I used the basic form to come up with this first Etheree.
True Treasures
All this is true,
When your family
Surrounds you; when friends old
and friends new, are there to share
in joys and blues; yes, love, laughter,
happiness — all this is true when the
people you cherish, they treasure you too!
– Vidya Tiru @LadyInReadWrites
On My Blog
I managed posting almost everyday(!?) this past week! And here they are (since my last Scribblings)
- Sunday Scribblings #54: The Lune, Cybils Updates, and Wondrous Wilderness
- 4 Super Cool STEAM Books That You Will Love
- Most Anticipated Books of the First Half of 2021
- 5 Books About Great and Inspirational Men
- From the Printed Page to the Screen
- A Super Collection of Wonderful Books
And the Home Front
Not much as we settle back into routines after the holidays; but I am hoping to settle into a more productive routine. I have been adding books to my reading challenges list; working on my reviews for the overdue+Cybils books; working on the other items on my resolutions list as well. So far, so good!
No bookstagram attempts (Again) this past week so here are a couple of the regular IG posts
On My Blog and Home Front
For my blog, I will continue to catch up on reviewing all the books I have read for Cybils and then some more; and continue to work on lists for my challenges (and update it here in a post next week).
This Week’s Celebrations
For this week, here are a few I wanted to mention…
The Days
- Stickers are a universal favorite, and loved by one and all; there is a sticker to love no matter who you are or where you are from!! So celebrate that on Jan 13th which happens to be National Sticker Day
- We all need more calm reasoning, more logical thinking now; thankfully Jan 14th is World Logic Day
- For your sweet tooth, it is National Marzipan Day on January 11th, and National Peach Melba Day on the 13th of January; January 15th is National Strawberry Ice Cream Day and the 16th is National Fig Newton Day
- To balance it out (your sweet tooth, I mean), there is International Hot and Spicy Food Day for you on the 16th of January; and I do love a bagel and cream-cheese every once in a while, so why not on National Bagel Day which is on the 15th
- And I know I have unused gift cards that I should not forget about. National Use Your Gift Card Day on the third Saturday in January reminds us to make use of them. So dust those cards from where they lie forgotten and get something for a loved one, or well, why not treat yourself to something?!
- January 16th is National Nothing Day and well, nothing…..
The Week and Month
- Then there are these two month-long celebrations, among many others, that seem apt for January. One is National Hobby Month (what with everyone resolving to do new things!) and the other is National Oatmeal Month (healthy eating goals).
- And that oatmeal month along with Diet Resolution Week in the previous week (first week of January) along with a National Healthy Weight Week that begins the third Sunday in January makes me totally go uhhh? what??? at this… This week, that is, the 7 Days starting the 2nd Sunday of January is apparently National Pizza Week!!! How did someone choose to sandwich pizza between diet resolutions and healthy weight? Please ignore that additional food reference in the last sentence, totally intentional as it was!!
- Last but not the least, considering we are all socially distanced still (at leas, here in the Bay Area, we are still in a shelter-in-place mode), why not take the time to write a letter this week to communicate in another mode than virtual? It is apparently Universal Letter Writing Week starting today (or rather the week starting the second Sunday every January)
Cybils Awards Roundup Post Four

As mentioned in my post last week, Cybils Awards 2020 finalists were announced! Check out the complete list of the finalists on the Cybils Awards web page here.
Fourth Roundup
- Hello, Neighbor! The Kind and Caring World of Mister Rogers
- Feed Your Mind: A Story of August Wilson
- Becoming Muhammad Ali
- The Secret Garden of George Washington Carver
- The Superlative A. Lincoln: Poems About Our 16th President
- How We Got to the Moon
- Plasticus Maritimus
- A Garden in Your Belly: Meet the Microbes in Your Gut
- Who Gives a Poop?: Surprising Science from One End to the Other
- 5 Minute Really True Stories for Bedtime
- ABC What an Informed Voter You’ll Be
- Can a Tree Be Blue?
- Cityscape: Where Science and Art Meet
- Crossings: Extraordinary Structures for Extraordinary Animals
- I Feel
- Let’s Eat!: Mealtime Around the World
- Let’s Fly a Plane!
- Rock Climbing
- Solar Story: How One Community Lives Alongside the World’s Biggest Solar Plant
- Underground: Subway Systems Around the World
- Winged Wonders: Solving the Monarch Migration Mystery
- You’re Invited to a Moth Ball: A Nighttime Insect Celebration
- Body Talk: 37 Voices Explore Our Radical Anatomy
- Changing the Equation: 50+ US Black Women in STEM
- Modern Art Explorer: Discover the Stories Behind Famous Artworks
- Women’s Art Work: More than 30 Female Artists Who Changed the World
- Women in Biology
Previous review round up posts
- 1 Cybils Awards Nonfiction Roundup Post One
- 2 Cybils Awards Nonfiction Roundup Post Two
- 3 Cybils Awards Nonfiction Roundup Post Three
Wrapping up my Sunday Scribblings
So dear reader, this was it for my Sunday Scribblings and the Cybils Awards roundup. I would love to hear your comments on my post(s), poetic Sunday section, and anything else. And which of these days do you plan to celebrate (or any other)? Also, I do look forward to reading your poems (if you have attempted one or the other forms so far?!)
Linking this to the Sunday Post over at the Caffeinated Reviewer and the Sunday Salon

Your Etheree poem is delightful
I can’t remember the last time I wrote a letter to anyone, probably decades ago to be honest when I had a pen pal in school.
Wishing you a great reading week
thanks so much Sheleyrae!!
It has been a long while since I wrote a letter too.. hopefully one this week?
If you find that place with less crazy and more serenity, would you please take me with you? I will be happy if they can cart away the crazies for a little while.
I like the poetic form you shared this week. Your example has a beautiful flow, with each line building.
You are focusing on drawing this year? Very nice. Love your Instagram example.
And look at all those reviews for the Cybils. Wonderful.
Let’s hope for a better week.
And I would love to have your company!!!
Thanks on the comments on my poem… I tried to read it out loud and made some changes.. and hopefully the more I write, the better it gets..
I love your artwork; you make it seem so effortless – reading, writing, baking, and art, as well as … and I hope I can work on one small art project a week..for now
Am getting closer to the end (well, not yet, but thinking that makes it easier) for the Cybils reviews I had planned..
And yes, hoping for a better wekk
I saw this poetry challenge, and I thought I’d share it with you. It’s from the magazine Tricycle, and it’s a haiku challenge. Here’s more about it:
thanks so much Deb, for thinking about me when you saw this .. really made my day.. I will definitely look into it and make a sincere attempt