
Verbified Tuesday

For dVerse Poets, today we attempt to write using veribification! As mentioned over at dVerse, verbification, or verbing, is the
creation of a verb from a noun, adjective, or other word. Think of the
proper name, Google. It’s the name of a company and yet has become a
verb as in, “I’ll google that.” Sometimes, as in this example,
repetitive use actually turns a noun into a commonplace, albeit new for a
while, verb.

Smile me a Yes

he: ‘i will silver you, gold you,
diamond you, my dear;
just smile me a yes, sweetness
smile away my fears’
she: ‘darling me, friendship me
sweetheart me, desire;
i will smile you many yesses
beloved you years’

As I continue my UBC journey, I realize that one of the best parts about
such challenges is making new friends in blogland, discovering new
blogs to enjoy and be inspired, and being part of a community that
encourages, inspires, and betters you in the process.

Top Ten Tuesday this week is a freebie and this is my list for today:
Top Ten Books I would love my kids to read (some of them might be for older/younger kids than they are so for the ones they have outgrown, read them sooner than later, and for the rest, they can wait!). Most of them are books I read years ago.  Some will appeal to my almost 11 yo daughter while others will be more enjoyed by my teenage son (hopefully!). There are so many more I would have loved to include but stopped at ten (these are not in any order of preference, just a list from the many, many books I would love to share with my kids!)

  1. The Secret Garden/A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett
  2. Little Women (and others from the Little Women series including Little Men and Jo’s Boys) by Louisa May Alcott
  3. Black Beauty and What Katy Did
  4. Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl
  5. The Three Fat Men by Yuri Olesha
  6. Short stories by Saki, O’ Henry, Oscar Wilde (to name a few!)
  7. Malgudi Days by R.K.Narayan (and other stories by him)
  8. The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame
  9. Adventures of Tom Sawyer/Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
  10.  Amar Chitra Katha

For Ruby Tuesday, today I have a collage of photos I took during a fun day trip organized by my brother for our families. As I go through old photos each week for photo memes, I recapture those happy memories as well, so this is a hidden advantage in doing these memes!
I was not sure what this plant was – it looks a lot like the rambutan (a fruit native to Indonesia/Malaysia) but I knew this was not the same. This was where google reverse image search came to the rescue. I uploaded one of these photos to the image search and discovered that this is the achiote tree. The seeds of the tree (pictured below) are used to make annatto – which is a food coloring and condiment; they lend a peppery-nutty-sweet flavor to foods as well. 

16 thoughts on “Verbified Tuesday

  1. What an interesting blog you have! 🙂 Don't know that I've visited before. So glad you posted with dVerse! I do like the way you set this up, with a dialogue between he and she. Ah many are tempted by the bling 🙂 Tis an old-fashioned love story here. Somehow I see my mom as the she. 🙂

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