
Tuesday Memes…Marching on..

Top Ten Covers is the theme this time at Top
Ten Tuesdays
and my top ten covers are those I adore in my home library – I mostly included books for children but could not resist adding the Complete Works of Shakespeare since I love the way the spines of the three volumes also make for attractive looks there.  I love all these covers for their vivid colors, wonderful images and clever use of the names for cover art.



This boy was thirty years old, and his age to that of his
master as fifteen to twenty. May I be excused for saying that I was forty years
– Verne, Jules (2009-10-04). Twenty Thousand Leagues under the
Sea (p. 9). Public Domain Books. Kindle Edition.
“When you’re pumped up, pumped down, shaken sideways, or rattled
around, it’s always comforting to share a moment with a song that perfectly
reflects your mood. Sometimes it seems like they’re singing right to you.”
– The Book of Even More Awesome by Neil Pasricha (p16)

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