
Treasure Trove Thursday – Happy Valentine’s Day

Today is Valentine’s Day (well, almost over even in this western corner of the world!) and also International Book Giving Day. I love this concept and I did give a book that I received from a publisher (which I reviewed earlier on my blog) to the library so more people can read it.

I need to come up with something for dVerse Poets The Poets Toolbox prompt and for Alphabe Thursday‘s letter M as well as Theme Thursday‘s prompt – scents

This is what I came up with after a whole day and a half and just in time too: (a little bit of alliteration and using assonance for the first time!)

Morning Coffee Mints
Mmmmm the magic mornings make
With the scents of coffee to sate
your first caffeine hankerings
followed maybe by after-coffee mints!

3 thoughts on “Treasure Trove Thursday – Happy Valentine’s Day

  1. I love the smell of coffee, not so much the actual taste and drinking of it. I have gotten into the habit of adding a hot chocolate mixture to my coffee which then enables me to actually enjoy a cup of it. Which I am not really sure it qualifies as a cup of coffee or a cup of hot chocolate. Either way it is not a bad drink.

    I really enjoyed your poem and it is nice that you shared it with us for this weeks Theme Thursday. I do enjoy the scent of fresh brewed coffee. I hope you are having a weekend filled with lots of great morning coffee.

    God bless.

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