A little late on this post but I actually was half way through a totally different top ten post before I realized I was taking forever on that. So to make it easier on myself, here is a list of top ten books you will love if you love xyz, where xyz is something borrowed from previous top ten posts.

Top Ten Books You Will Love If You …
Like Punny Titles
If you enjoy puns and punny titles are sure to draw you to the book, then Ella Minnow Pea: A Novel in Letters is an A, for sure! Be sure to check out my whole list of recommendations here.
Want to Read a Verse Novel
If you have been thinking of reading verse novels but have not for whatever reason, or if you enjoy them, then here are two suggestions from me (from the list of ten here). For YA and older readers, The Poet X is sure to be a terrific pick, while younger readers will enjoy Gone Fishing.
Need a Book to Make a Good First Impression
If the first lines of a book need to be good for you to continue reading the book, then I am sure you will love Zeb and the Great Ruckus, or well, any of the other books in this selection here.
Like to Read Books Featuring Bookworms
Picking one from my list of ten(well, eleven) was tough, but Jo was my first favorite bookworm so yes, my suggestion is Little Women! I also feature Jo as a bookworm/writer in 10 Jobs For People Who Love Books.
Enjoy Reading Books Featuring Animals (or Pets)
While Black Beauty is the horse I fell in love with as a little girl, I would like to share a more recent read which delighted me to no end. The animal – Ganesh, the elephant; the book – The Unexpected Inheritance of Inspector Chopra. For the full list, check this post.
Want to Read Something to Make You Smile,
then be sure to read Shel Silverstein’s Where the Sidewalk Ends (or any of his other poem collections). For my complete selection of books to make you smile, head over to this post. If you want to read a short story instead, then Saki’s The Open Window is one of my favorites.
Like to Armchair Travel, or be Inspired to Travel Through a Book
You cannot go wrong with Jules Verne’s Around the World in Eighty Days. It doesn’t matter that the way we travel has changed quite a bit since Mr. Verne penned this book, for the book can still inspire you to explore!! You can also read the others on my top ten list.
Are Inspired by Titles With Numbers
Well, of course, my previous book might make it on this list (actually, it does). But my pick from that original list (or rather two such lists) is And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie.
Enjoy Books Featuring Bookish Settings,
then Mr. Penumbra’s 24 Hour Bookstore is sure to enthrall you. All those wondrous bookish locations, from the bookstore to the secret underground vault of ancient books, will transport you, literally, into a world of books! For more such books, read this post.
Want to Read a Fun Yet Information-Filled Holiday Read
Since it seems to be the season already, (you know what I am talking about even though it is not yet Thanksgiving for we cannot escape it – when we turn on the TV or the radio to see holiday ads or hear Rudolph’s story, and oh, the stores full of stuff I don’t plan to use for another month yet!) why not share a holiday read with you? But this one is from a list of festive non-fiction reads…
You should definitely pick up Hannah Fry’s The Indisputable Existence of Santa Claus : The Mathematics of Christmas.
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And Now, the End of This List, ahem, Post
Dear reader, have you read any of the books I mentioned today? What would be the first book that comes to your mind for each of those themes listed above? Do let me know your thoughts on any of the featured books today (if you have read them) as well as your recommendations.
Thanks for sharing . Better late than never.
What a fab post, lots of great books to choose from.
Wow! I love this post. So many good reading suggestions.
Those festive non-fiction reads do look good!
My post: https://lydiaschoch.com/top-ten-tuesday-books-to-read-if-you-love-hard-science-fiction/
You always have something new and fresh on your blog. I admire your enthusiasm. I am far too lazy 😉