Books, Memes, Reviews

Top Ten Books I am Thankful For (today and always!)


Over at the Broke and the Bookish, today’s top ten theme is thankfulness. I am always thankful for books, whatever they are, but there are always some books that leave you totally thankful for them and wishing you could personally thank the author and the publisher and just everyone involved in making the book just be!! So the list I have compiled below is a list of books (in no particular order) that wowed me when I first read them (and some I have read many times over, while others I do hope I can get to reading once more later). Not sure if I could stop at ten but I will, the first ten I recall will be the ten that make it into today’s list!!

  1. The Book Thief  by Markus Zusak
  2. Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese
  3. Black Beauty by Anna Sewell
  4. The Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy
  5. Freedom at Midnight by Larry Collins, Dominique Lapierre
  6. The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
  7. Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl
  8. Haroun and the Sea of Stories by Salman Rushdie
  9. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
  10. well, there is a whole another top 100 fighting it out for this spot though I told the books that these are not listed in any ‘favorites’ order but they have a lot of words to say to me :), so I am leaving mine at 9 for today!

Cutting for StoneHaroun and the Sea of Stories by Salman RushdieLittle Women (Little Women, #1)Freedom at Midnight

Black BeautyThe Mayor of CasterbridgeThe Diary of a Young Girl

Are any of these books in your top ten? Or would they have made it there? If you have not read any of them, do try them out and let me know what you think.

6 thoughts on “Top Ten Books I am Thankful For (today and always!)

  1. Oh gosh, I am so embarrassed to admit this but – I cannot even remember the last time I READ A BOOK – ha! I do so much work on line and work from home – so if I ever read a book, I feel guilty because I feel like I need to be working!

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