Books, Memes

Top Ten Books I Liked But Forgot Kind Of

Over at That Artsy Reader Girl, today’s Top Ten Theme is Books we Really Liked but Can’t Remember Anything or Much About. Here is my list of top ten books liked, but I forgot the hows, whys, wheres, whats, whens of (kind of).

I do recall the story in general for some of them, and a little more than that for a couple of them, including ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ (largely due to the fact that my son just finished reading it a few weeks ago for school, and needed me to work with him as he needed some help on his assignments for the book), the Harry Potter series (well, because of what it is). Some of these books have made their way into many a top ten list on my blog already for various reasons and a couple even reviewed here, but that still does not change the fact that my memory has weakened πŸ™‚ and I need a refresher.

  1. To Kill a Mockingbird – I read the book and watched the movie years ago, and when my son had questions for his school reading, I realized how much I had forgotten!
  2. Uncle Tom’s Cabin – This was a book that made me cry, made me feel outraged at the attitude towards the slaves, towards these totally horrible biases; but I realize I don’t recall much at all.
  3. Rebecca – I read this so long ago that I had almost forgotten I even read it. But I recall discussing it with my friend when we read it in school.
  4. The Wind in the Willows – I read this book and even recall watching a TV series years ago. But that is it.
  5. Cutting for StoneΒ – I have the review for this book, favorite quotes from it, and more. But there is so much I have only the faintest idea of.
  6. The Kite Runner – It made me cry, but need to reread..
  7. Harry Potter – the whole series – I know, I know! But it is the truth, I read each book almost as soon as it was released, and at least book one twice, since this was one of the first big books my now 15 yo son read.
  8. The Secret Life of Bees – nada – is what I remember of this beautiful read
  9. A Suitable Boy – The story’ general idea is the only thing I remember and that I had marveled at how seamlessly Vikram Seth wove together so many story lines and characters in this huge epic.
  10. Mr.Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore – It was magical and I know I would love to be in such a bookstore and books and technology were brought together but that is it i can recall here

22 thoughts on “Top Ten Books I Liked But Forgot Kind Of

  1. I’ve reread the HP books several times. Cutting For Stone was really good and I led a group discussion of that one. Rebecca was also great – led a mystery group discussion of that one. Wonder if I remember them better if I’ve led the discussion. πŸ˜‰

  2. Some great books here. Because I listened to many of the Harry Potter books instead of reading them, I don’t recall as much as I should. My daughter insists I never really read them because audio books don’t count.

    Thanks for sharing. Have a great week.

    1. πŸ™‚ I have not gotten into audio books yet somehow.. since i don’t think i pay the attention they deserve (i tried them a couple of times and it was playing in the car, which meant i was also driving or navigating, not really listening)…

  3. I’m the same way with To Kill a Mockingbird. I listened to Go Set a Watchman last year and spent about half the time thinking “Wait – did that happen in TKAM?”. Rebecca is SO detailed it can definitely be hard to remember. I don’t know if you do audio books at all but the audio for Mr. Penumbra is really great (or at least I thought it was!) and that may be a way to reread it without it taking up reading time.

    1. πŸ™‚ I know what you are saying.. these may stay on my list of can’t recall books for a while yet.. since there are so many other books I need to read for the first time still

  4. I am that way with movies! I can sometimes remember how much a movie meant to me, but can’t remember why. Like Ode to Billy Joe had a big impact on me, but it made me said, so I am glad that I only have a vague memory of what it was about.

  5. Honestly, the list may be shorter for books I do remember much about. I sense that it is more likely that people remember the feeling they had after reading a book than they do about all of the detail in the book.

  6. I have a lot to catch up on missed 5 on your list 😒 but u have not read big data, Hadoop and ML either πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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