Books, Memes, Reviews, Writing

Top Ten Bookish Goals for 2018

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Bookish Goals is the theme for Top Ten Tuesdays this week, at its new home over at ThatArtsyReaderGirl. And my bookish goals are very similar to the ones I made in previous years, with just a couple of changes.

  1. Work on my challenges – that covers many goals
  2. Read (and discuss the books we read) with my kids more
  3. Write more (those story ideas I have had since forever never made it to paper or well, the laptop)
  4. Update my book lists on my blog (TBR/completed/others) – create a new page and link to reviews wherever they are; Also update on goodreads/pinterest/bookstagram(this last one will be new to me)
  5. Start on the review of a book as soon as I am done reading it – at least a few comments/notes so I can work on it later – if I don’t then it just is not the same
  6. Find interesting bookish things – anything to do with books – and post about them (blog/pinterest/bookstagram)
  7. Write comments on my blog/goodreads for other books I have read before but not reviewed
  8. I will not continue to read books if I find them uninteresting even after 50 pages (changed from 33 before, because have noticed that some books tend to start slow). (Note: also depends on the total number of pages in the book – so this can change relative to the size – 50 pages will apply to books having around 250 pages, for my reading)
  9. Interact more with other book bloggers – one reading challenge and commenting on top ten tuesday posts/other book review posts is my plan to start on this
  10. Have fun reading and blogging and reviewing and doing all that I have stated above


24 thoughts on “Top Ten Bookish Goals for 2018

  1. Great list! I used to find it very hard to not finish a book once I started reading it. As I have less time to read now, I’ve slowly been learning to put a book aside that I really don’t enjoy. Still, some are slow starters and I like to give books a chance. Here is our Top Ten Tuesday

  2. Those are really great goals! And I am with you on breaking up with a book if it just can’t hold your interest. I hate to walk away, but I do if I can tell it’s just not going to work out between us. 😉

  3. Oh, you totally struck a cord with me here. I’m guilty of reading books that don’t interest me. I have this weird (and completely false) mental story about not wanting to get into a habit of not finishing what I start. Glad I’m not alone here!

  4. #5 is high on my list too. I need to keep on top of my reviews, otherwise I struggle with writing them. I miss talking to my daughter about books. She has not had as much time to read since she left for college. She is almost done with grad school, so I hope she will buddy read with me a little then. Good luck with all your goals!

  5. Nice list of practical reading goals. I especially like that you will let yourself let go of a book if you’re not enjoying it. Life is too short!

    1. :)thank you.. yes, if we are buying the books, then it is a waste.. in my case, right now, most are library books.. and the others, i donate to the library in the hopes that it might fit another reader better 🙂

  6. These are great goals! And, good for you for increasing the page numbers to accomodate books that start slow. I definitely have trouble after 30 pages if the book doesn’t seem to be going anywhere.

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