Are you ready to make a trip to the moon?
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Poetic Sundays: To the Moon & Beyond With Numbers & Letters
It was a proud moment for a whole nation this past week when India’s Chandrayaan-3 landed on the south polar region of the moon! So with that in mind, as well as it being Literacy and Numeracy Week Aug 29th through Sept 4th, I am hoping to write a poem that takes us to the moon and beyond with number poems.
So What are Number Poems?
There is really no real definition for this that I could find or can think of. So simply put, number poems, also known as numerical poems or number-based poetry, are a type of poetry where numbers play a significant role in the structure and content of the poem.
In number poems, the poet uses numbers to convey meaning, create patterns, or evoke emotions. These poems can take various forms, and there isn’t a strict set of rules to follow, which allows for creativity and innovation.
The Number Poem(s): A How To Guide
Here’s a guide on how to create number poems (just some suggestions for the ideas are limitless):
1. Choose a Theme or Concept:
- Start by selecting a theme or concept that relates to numbers. This could be anything from mathematics, counting, dates, ages, or any other numerical idea, or simply incorporate numbers within the poem in a predetermined way.
2. Determine the Structure:
- Decide on the structure or form of your poem. Number poems can take various forms, such as acrostic poems, haikus, sonnets, or free verse. The structure should reflect the theme or concept you’ve chosen.
3. Incorporate Numbers:
- Integrate numbers into your poem in a meaningful way. You can use numbers in many ways, some of which are included below:
- Counting: Create a poem that counts up or down, like a countdown or a list of items.
- Mathematical Concepts: Use mathematical equations, formulas, or concepts to convey your message. This could be the Cadae poem, Pi poem or the Fib, or any other thing of your choice.
- Numerical Imagery: Use numbers to describe scenes, people, or objects in vivid detail.
- Dates and Ages: Explore historical events, personal milestones, or cultural references related to specific dates or ages.
- Time Sequence: If your number relates to a date or age, you could use it to mark specific moments in time or the passing of time.
- Consider Symbolism: Think about the symbolism associated with certain numbers. For example, the number 7 is often associated with luck or mystery, while 13 is often associated with superstition. Incorporate these associations into your poem.
- Others: Pick any one of the OULIPO techniques I mention in this post.
4. Play with Language and Imagery:
- You know I love wordplay! So yes, use wordplay and creative language to bring numbers into your poem. Feel free to employ puns, alliteration, or rhyme to enhance the poem’s impact. Throw in some metaphors and vivid imagery to make your poem engaging and memorable.
- And if possible, try to use the number itself in some way or the other to enhance the overall impact of your poem.
5. Title and Presentation:
- Last but not the least, the title and overall presentation of the poem. Give your poem an appropriate title that reflects its content or theme. Consider how you want to present your number poem – in written form, spoken word, or even as part of visual art.
Remember, number poems can be as creative and unique as you want them to be. There are no strict rules, so feel free to experiment with different styles and approaches to create a number poem that resonates with your chosen theme and your own creative vision.
My Attempt to the Moon With Numbers and Letters
1-2-3-4 Chandrayaan Scores!
In lunar scapes, Chandrayaan-3 did fly,
Counting upwards, and reaching for the sky.
One, it launched with pride held tight,
Two, to the moon, a cool and daring flight.
Three, it touched down on lunar land!
Four, a feat of science, carefully planned.
The fourth to land on Chandamama’s(1) grand face,
India’s third lunar journey, a historic chase.
To the south pole, this was its second try;
And the first to land there to a nation’s proud cry!
With courage and science, this success was spun,
Chandrayaan-3, a mission second to none.
~ Vidya Tiru @ LadyInReadWrites
As you can see above, I do not have any specific rhythm/syllabic count in my poem. However I tried to keep a rhyme scheme of aabbcc and I do have a counting up and counting down of numbers, albeit differently in each stanza.
1 – chandamama – literally translates. to moon uncle .. how we refer to the moon in Hindi. More specifically, the Hindi word ‘mama’ refers to your mother’s brother.
And I loved this meme circulating on social media about Chandrayaan-3 and the moon mission. For reference for those who will need it, the text on the top says – Pre-RakshaBandhan. As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, raksha bandhan or rakhi is a festival celebrating sibling bonds.
This image portrays India, a nation regarded as a mother figure by its citizens, symbolically tying a Chandrayaan-3-shaped-Rakhi to the Moon (chandamama, her lunar brother). <3

Sources/References/Further Reading
- I loved this resource at spinelessbooks for ideas on number poems with so many brilliant examples and ways to write them. I especially enjoyed this poem – Birthday 29 – which is a lipogram on O with 29 words and is restricted to noun phrases
- The Patterns of Poetry: On the Mathematical and Poetic Value of Numbers (Lithub)
- Read Mary Cornish’s delightfully beautiful poem titled Numbers on PoetryFoundation
- More #numbers poems to inspire you here on HelloPoetry
- Check out these clever acrostic poems celebrating numbers across ages by Nicholas Gordon on his site poemsforfree
On My Blog
These were my posts this past week:
- The Goddess of Wealth Begins Wonderful Festivities: Five Here
- 13 Questions To Ask Your Parents Now
- Cool City Chronicles and Amazing Aquatic Adventures With Wondrous Books
- Sunday Scribblings #157: An Ode to My Home Town – One
On the Homefront
Here we celebrated the goddess Varalashmi (the Lakshmi who grants books). Oceans away, my son is back home from his summer quarter and has three weeks more at home before he returns to college (junior/third year). And my daughter has been back at school – first week done.
On My Blog
Hopefully a couple of posts..
On the Homefront
Will continue working through those questions with my mom as we make a couple of trips to the hospital for her, and hoping things work out.
Literary Celebrations (close-to-it also!)
- Literary birthdays this week include: Arlene Tichy Mosel on Aug 28th; Oliver Wendell Holmes on the 29th of August; Mary Shelley on the 30th of August; Amrita Pritam on the 31st; Edgar Rice Burroughs, Dushyant Kumar, and Timothy Zahn on the 1st of September; Allen Drury, Tripura, and Eugene Field on September 2nd; Jenny Han, Roshanara Begum, Kiran Desai, and Malcolm Gladwell on the 3rd of September
- August 28th observes International Read Comics in Public Day to encourage everyone to read comic books and share that love by reading it for all to see!
- Time to read one of the most popular horror books for it is Frankenstein Day on August 30th!
- And then read a memoir on the 31st for We Love Memoirs Day and it is also World Distance Learning Day (something becoming a norm now than not)
- It is World Letter Writing Day on the 1st of September as well as National No Rhyme (Nor Reason) Day
- As for the month of September, it is National Literacy Month, Read a New Book Month, and National Library Card Sign-up Month
- Australia observes Literacy & Numeracy Week Aug 29 – Sep 4 this year, but I thought why not celebrate it anyways no matter where I am (right now in India)
Foodie Celebrations
- Who knew? But it is Crackers Over The Keyboard Day on the 28th of August. And also National Cherry Turnover Day if you need something sweet.
- August 29th is National Chop Suey Day, National Lemon Juice Day, as well as More Herbs, Less Salt Day! So season your lemon juice with some herbs to jazz it up and also your chop suey..
- It is National Toasted Marshmallow Day on the 30th of August. Always ready for some goeey chocolateyness.
- Spend some time outside for it is National Eat Outside Day and National Trail Mix Day on the 31st of August
- Something to remind us that it is OK – National Burnt Ends Day on the 1st of September:) It is also Cherry Popover Day for those who want something sweet, and for those who want something else, it is National Tofu Day too. The 1st, being the first Friday for the month, is also National Food Bank Day.
- The 2nd of September is World Coconut Day and National Blueberry Popsicle Day
- National Welsh Rarebit Day is observed on the 3rd of September, and the name is a prank for this has no rabbit in it! It is toast with hot cheese..
Other Celebrations
- My son loved the Power Rangers when he was really young, and that was the gift his baby sister got him from the hospital when she was born! 🙂 Why am I saying this? It is National Power Rangers Day on the 28th of August, so celebrate these comic superheroes.
- August 29th is According to Hoyle Day, and I find this observance very cool!! Read on more about it
- The 30th of August is National Beach Day and National Grief Awareness Day
- August 31st is National Matchmaker Day
- Emma M. Nutt Day is observed on September 1 each year. Emma Nutt was a pioneer in her own way by becoming the first female telephone operator ever (on the 1st of September 1878)
- The 2nd of September is National Hummingbird Day (!!)
- While the 3rd celebrates National Pet Rock Day.. do you have one?
Wrapped Up: My Sunday Scribblings
So dear reader, you have reached the end of this Sunday Scribblings! As always, I welcome your thoughts, comments, and suggestions about this post. And do let me know if you plan to celebrate any of these mentioned celebrations this coming week/month?
Linking this to the Sunday Post over at the Caffeinated Reviewer and the Sunday Salon

The moon landing was so awesome! I love your poem as well. I’m saving this post to really come back and look more at when it gets closer to next April for National Poetry Month here in the US. Hope you have a good week!
How proud everyone is of India’s great achievement! Your poem celebrates the achievement beautifully. The number poem is a perfect structure for a celebration of a visit to the moon.
It’s Cybils time. I wonder if you are going to participate this year.
You wrote such an amazing poem! I will have to try and write one.
I will have to teach this to my boys. This will help with their writing skills.
Yes, I’ve heard of India’s Chandrayaan-3 that landed on the south polar region of the moon. Congratulations! You all have to be proud of! It’s a big step. The moon is a great inspiration for your poem!
I am glad to hear about it! I really appreciate the tips you’ve shared and I found that so helpful!
A poem like yours is so amazing! Thank you for sharing it with us!
Mixing numbers and poetry is such a wonderful idea to expand on!
Your vibrant celebration of literary and foodie occasions, along with your poetic journey to the moon through numbers and letters, is captivating! Your detailed approach and enthusiasm make me excited to explore your blog further. Keep sharing your unique blend of creativity and insights! 🚀🌙
Such great tips here ad I especially loved learning that x\India’s Chandrayaan-3 landed on the south polar region of the moon! I had absolutely no idea about that and that is fantastic! Very cool and slash love visiting your site!
That is such a fun poem to read. Great job on that one. And the landing was amazing. Congrats to India!
Thank you for sharing your poem. I’ve never been good at writing poems. I’d rather write informative posts.
This was a lovely poem. I would rather write about books that I have read, than going to the moon. Thanks for sharing this with it.
Crackers over the Keyboard Day – lol! That is an interesting one to celebrate!
Poetry definitely uses a lot of ‘equations’ so to say.
Pretty poem! I have only made one poem this year – for our cat. 😀 Number poems seem easy, but I hope I get the time to sit and do one, thanks for sharing yours!
Amazing poem! I’m so excited for Chandrayaan-3. I hope it makes some cool discoveries.