
Time flies… and memes…

My son turns nine years old this week! The time has flown by. He came into planet earth, right here in the United States, thanks to my good luck, right to me. He has not been a troublesome boy at all, others say, their kids are like him only in dreams! Some facts: He earned his Citizenship belt loop just last week in the scout pack meeting, purple happens to be his sister’s favorite color, he does not behind on his homework (most times), his latest interest – creatures that fly – birds!!, his fingers move like magic over the piano, eating healthy food and studying the nutrition contents on every package are things he does, he loves to play board games.
P.S. if you notice, my little post about my son also includes all the words from Sunday Whirl as well as the prompt from Sunday Scribblings.

Succinctly Yours: This meme has the following rules:
Use the weekly photo as inspiration for a story of 140 characters OR
140 words. It doesn’t have to be exactly 140, just not more. Want more
challenge? Use the word of the week in your story. This part is
This week’s challenge word: nimble and the photo along with my entry is below (138 characters – whew, made it!) 
Jack was nimble and quick as he jumped over the doorstep. He
said, “”Whew, made it” and with a tip of his hat, off he headed for

Note: As you can see in other meme entries, I was inspired by Jack and his nimbleness – I actually forgot the 140 characters rule and wanted to combine all the memes together and came up with the entry below

Sunday Whirl: To participate, write a poem or short prose using some or all of the
wordle words.  Forms of the words are fine.  Challenge yourself to use
them all, but it is not a requirement.

Sunday Scribblings:
You create a piece of writing inspired by the writing prompt and link back. This week’s prompt: Health
One Single Impression: Post your poetry on your blog using the prompt and link back. This week’s prompt: Inkpot 

My entry towards Sunday Whirl, Sunday Scribblings, One Single Impression

“‘Jack be nimble, Jack be quick’, went the familiar words of the old rhyme”,
so Jack wrote into his journal, as he dipped his pen into the purple ink of his inkpot.
“I hope I will not happen into trouble again, I hope Lady Luck is with me this time.
Here on planet Dream, a light year away from my home Earth…”, a homesick tear made a blot,
as he continued to write, “where I did fly out to regain my health; I should not laze and lag,
– this trip that I won, from a hapless citizen, in a game of Scrambled States;
I should use it well, I should be able to brag,
“Jack is nimble, Jack is quick”, when I return to earth to play with my mates”
(inspired also by the photo at Succinctly Yours)

One more entry for Sunday Scribblings, One Single Impression
The inkpot lay forgotten, hidden in the dark corners of the shelf
“Will I not be dipped into? Will I not be of use anymore?”
Little did it know that its former owner,
He lay forgotten too, on his bed, ill-health having overtaken his self

Magpie Tales:

1) Write a poem or short vignette using the picture featured in
this post as your inspiration. Feel free to take the photo to use for
your post.

2) Link back to Magpie Tales from your post.
3) Sign up in the Mr. Linky list, linking directly to your post, AFTER posting. 


She stood with a smile, hands folded, and calmly faced him. He sought a way out with words, an escape from her. She let him have his say, for little did he know, that as her folded hands embraced his shadow, her great aunt’s magic bound him to her forever.

What are you reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Book Journey. It is a time when we share what we’ve read, currently reading, or what is up next on our reading list.
Completed reading: Books reviewed today – Magic Monday post – and a few more that I need to review..
Currently reading:
‘The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate’
‘The Sari
Shop’ by Rupa Bajwa
‘To be Perfectly Honest’ by Phil Callaway
‘Princess Recovery’ by Jennifer L. Hartstein, PsyD
Next to read:
‘Maid to Match’
‘The Twentieth Wife’ by Indu Sundaresan
and many more..

I seriously need to take a break just to catch up on my reading. A reading vacation right here at home!:) Sounds perfect and if I do it, that might be the reason you may not hear from me so very often this holiday season along with the fact that the kids’ school is out as well!

27 thoughts on “Time flies… and memes…

  1. To heck with all the memes. Let's address the real important important:
    HaP, h4p, HaP, HaPpY B!RtHd4Y! to the about to turn into a nine-year old! Hope it's nothing but cR4zY-g0oD fUn on your special day!

  2. Very cute SY story. Your Jack is very spry. Happy, happy birthday to your son, turning 9. I loved the 9 and 10-year old stage of all of my boys–still innocent and carefree before the angst and raging hormones of the teen years hit hard.

  3. Happy Birthday!!!

    Wow, a healthy eater…

    Sounds like he is an extremely smart kid…

    My best wishes for a blessed and beautiful holiday for you and yours…

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