Family, Learning, Writing

This Year, I Plan To…

  1. Throw Kindness Like Confetti – Granted, confetti can get messy, but if kindness does get everywhere, into all those spaces you never thought it could (like confetti does), wouldn’t the world be a better place? Throw Kindness Like Confetti
  2. Cherish Family and Old Friends, Cherish Old Memories while I work on making New Friends and New Memories – This last year was a year of turmoil for us as a family. My dad went from diagnosis to death in a matter of less than nine months, and it is something we are still coming to terms with. He passed away on the 17th of November, 2018, and while it has been over a month now, it seems like yesterday (and at other times, so long ago). But I plan to cherish his life, to celebrate who he was – a truly wonderful person indeed – by aiming to be all that was wonderful about him, and by cherishing those beautiful memories he left us with.  His quiet but quick struggle with cancer, and his passing away, have led me to strengthen my belief to cherish what we have and to keep making new friends (dad made friends effortlessly) and new memories to cherish years down the lane.
  3. To work on being a better me each day, in every way possible – I have made enough goals and resolutions in the years past to know how I can do it, now I need to ensure I put it in action, every single moment – that’s all there is to it, isn’t it? I hope you can see evidences of a better me each time I post here, and I hope you will let me know either way 🙂

And I leave with you with this wish for the New Year (for all of you and for myself too) – Thank you Neil Gaiman for these beautiful words:

‘May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you’re wonderful, and don’t forget to make some art — write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.’

What are your goals, your wishes, your resolutions for the new year? What is your plan for this year? Do let me know..





42 thoughts on “This Year, I Plan To…

  1. I’m so sorry to hear about your dad, but with all the memories you have, he will live in your heart forever. I like throwing kindness like confetti, I’m going to follow you lead on that! Great seeing you in the challenge again!

  2. Happy to see you back Vidya, always love reading your posts. Hugs to you over the death of your dad. It is strange isn’t it how it can feel like yesterday or a hundred years ago at the same time. While you’re working on being an improved you, remember to give yourself time to mourn and grieve.

    1. thank you Nita, for your hugs and for the advice (You are the second person who specifically told me that)
      I am glad to be back in the UBC.. and interacting with all of you again

  3. Hi Vidya, you have some great goals for this year. They may seem simple to the eye, but are the toughest to accomplish since you have to be conscious about them every day. Sorry for your loss, I lost my mom-grandmother on the 13th of November, so I understand your pain. Hugs to you and my best wishes for this year.

  4. I am sorry to hear about your dad.
    My dad went from retirement to death in 9 months as well.
    Make sure you are careful with that confetti- metal coated plastic can create all kinds of problems if we inhale them by mistake 🙂

    1. thank you Roy.. I understood the term ‘in the blink of an eye’ when it all seemed to happen so fast.. and the importance of every moment is now doubly reconfirmed.
      And yes, will be careful with the type of confetti..

  5. So sorry for your loss. I lost my father after a battle with cancer four years ago. I understand the pain you are now experiencing but I promise that it does get easier. I love that you are focusing on gratitude this year and “throwing out kindness like confetti” – that’s beautiful!

  6. Everyone I know has made resolutions that can and most likely will be unfinished and forgotten by February. These seem awesome and great to pull off through out the full year

  7. Sorry about the loss of your father. I lost my grandmother in November 2017 so I know it can be tough, especially around the holidays. I am always looking forward to deepening my relationship and understanding of God, so that is my goal!

  8. I absolutely adored this post! It was so honest. These things may seem simple to some but in actuality they take work! Cheers to throwing kindness like confetti and happy new year!

  9. This is such a beautiful post. Love these goals you have. Last year was a lot of ache and pain for us as well. We loss my husband dad in June, and it changes how we celebrate our holidays. I know exactly how you feel but just remember all those great memories. Throwing kindness is definitely something we need to be doing this year.

  10. Your first thing on your list is my one and only resolution for this year. I have taken one that I will be more kind to myself and if I can manage to do that and not stress and cause myself anxiety – I think that it will translate into me being able to be a more kind person to others and not outlash.

  11. I like your goals, as they seem very achievable and healthy! Love the expression, “throw kindness like confetti” and your goal to cherish family, friends, and special memories. Sorry to hear about your dad’s passing. I can empathize, as I have lost both of my parents.

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