Thirst! A small word that we often don’t think about until we feel thirsty. But thirst is a powerful force indeed. Thirst for anything leads us to do things, to act upon it; be it thirst for water, for knowledge, for riches, for love, whatever it is.
So yes,
Thirst is a Powerful Force
So What is Thirst?
Merriam Webster defines thirst as a sensation of dryness in the mouth and throat associated with a need for liquids, as well as the the bodily conditions that induce this sensation. It is also a desire or need to drink something. It is also a craving for something. Thirst is used both as a noun and a verb (thirsts/thirsting/thirsted).
Thirst signals to us our need for water; and that need is an important, well, critical, and ever-present one. Like oxygen, we need water to simply be operational. Sometimes we forget this need, and without thirst, we might completely ignore it. So thirst deserves our gratitude!
Similarly, our thirst for knowledge leads us to learn more, which helps us achieve more, do things that make a difference somehow, and thus help us lead happier and more satisfied lives.
Thirst Quotes
“Appreciate water before you are thirsty! Appreciate all the good things before you need them!”
“Of hunger and thirst, thirst is the greater imperative.” ― Yann Martel, Life of Pi
Someone feeling wronged is like someone feeling thirsty. Don’t tell them they aren’t. Sit with them and have a drink. – ― Lemony Snicket
Thirst is the aim for quest, it keeps inspiring to find more and more; Otherwise, satisfied we would sit, and lazily rest on the shore! – Neelam Saxena Chandra
People who have achieved great success are not necessarily more skillful or intelligent than others. What separates them is their burning desire and thirst for knowledge. The more one knows, the more one achieves. – Robin Sharma
Do not curse the well that quenches your thirst. – Matshona Dhliwayo
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And Why Thirst Talk Today?
Well, because that is the title of today’s featured book for the Friday memes! Thirst by Varsha Bajaj made it to my next ten books I need to read at the end of last year. And Bajaj made it on my list of 13 great Indian American women writers in my post yesterday. I am finally reading it now, and loving it.
Thirst by Varsha Bajaj | Children’s Realistic Fiction (10 – 12 years, and up) | Nancy Paulsen Books (July 19, 2022)
Description: Minni lives in the poorest part of Mumbai, where access to water is limited to a few hours a day and the communal taps have long lines. Lately, though, even that access is threatened by severe water shortages and thieves who are stealing this precious commodity—an act that Minni accidentally witnesses one night. Meanwhile, in the high-rise building where she just started to work, she discovers that water streams out of every faucet and there’s even a rooftop swimming pool. What Minni also discovers there is one of the water mafia bosses. Now she must decide whether to expose him and risk her job and maybe her life. How did something as simple as access to water get so complicated?

The Bookish Memes
Book Beginnings and First Line Friday

Book Beginnings on Friday is hosted by Rose City Reader. To join in, share the opening sentence or more of a book you are happy about reading this week and check out other blogs to see what they are reading too!
First Line Friday hosted by Reading is My Superpower also asks us to share the first line in the comments on the post.

Sanjay and I sit on the top of the hill and stare out at the huge, never-ending Arabian Sea. The salty breeze brings a little relief from the heat.
“It feels like the world is made of water from up here,” I say. “That there’s enough of it for everyone.”
But I know there isn’t.
Friday 56

THE FRIDAY 56 is hosted by Freda’s Voice. To play, open a book and turn to page 56 (or 56% on your e-reader). Find a sentence or two and post them, along with the book title and author. Then link up on Freda’s Voice and visit others in the linky.
“When you ring their doorbell each day, remember you are not you, our daughter, Sanjay’s sister. You are not the girl with so much to say,” Ma says.
Book Blogger Hop
This meme’s purpose is to give bloggers a chance to follow other blogs, learn about new books, and befriend other bloggers and is hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. The question/theme for this week: Have you joined the library reading app, Libby?

I joined it ages ago and use it once in a while though I do keep forgetting I can use it 🙂
Quite a busy Friday! I want to try out Libby eventually, but I am currently not member of any library. I have so much owned books still to read that joining a library doesn‘t make much sense right now.
I’m so late! It’s been a crazy, busy weekend. Anyway, I’m currently reading To Win Her Hand by Jen Geigle Johnson. It’s cute!
“Lord Featherstone craned his neck until he could no longer see Lady Loveluck exiting outside to wait for her carriage.”
I hope you have a wonderful Sunday!
What an interesting read!!! You never think of thirst until you are thirsty! Happy weekend!
Yeah, I use Libby, too, once I got over the fact that OverDrive was going down. Thanks for stopping by! Happy reading!
I have not signed up for Libby. I do need to check it out though. Have a great week!
I saw the movie Life of Pi, but I haven’t read the book yet. I liked the movie. Thirst sounds like a great book! 🙂
This sounds like a powerful book. Oddly, I just finished a nonfiction book about water in my state, Texas, called A Thirsty Land.