Blogging, Books, Current Events, Life, Lists, Poetry

Sunday Scribblings #119: Terrific Wordplay That Teases My Ears and Eases My Tears

I am not crying, not at all, despite the title of this post! It is just to give you a hint of what is to come, of terrific wordplay that teases my ears and eases my tears….or more simply, of words that misplace their sounds! Read on to find out what I am talking about.

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Notepad and a pen over it with a cup of coffee next to it. words read Sunday Scribblings, and this is for Sunday Scribblings #119: Terrific Wordplay That Teases My Ears and Eases My Tears

Poetic Sundays: The Schuttelreim Can Tease My Ears and Ease My Tears!

October is German-American Heritage Month, among a few other Heritage months here in the US. Keeping this in mind, I am featuring the Schuttelreim today, which is a German poetic form that is sure to remind you of spoonerisms.

Given that the very nature of this form can make it sound funny(ier), definitely one that can tease my ears and ease my tears!

What is the Schuttelreim Poetic Form?

Schuttelreim is a German poetic device from the 13th century. While it started off as a more serious form, it took on a more comic shape around the 19th century. In addition, the reversal of sounds in the last two words of the two lines of this couplet form lent to the suggestive humor with its word play. The form takes the more familiar concept of spoonerism one step further by having the initial consonants of the last two words in the first line reversed in the next one.

The Schuttelreim’s Characteristics

So the Schuttelreim’s elements are that it is:

  • stanzaic: made up of a single couplet (however, could have more than one couplet)
  • rhymed, where the initial consonants of the last 2 words of the first line are switched in the last two words of the second line. When more than one couplet, follows a simple rhyme scheme of aa/bb/cc (or aa/aa/aa – per poets choice)
  • most often used in light, humorous, or sarcastic verse

h/t and further reading

My Attempt at the Schuttelreim

The post title is actually not a good example of the Schuttelreim, though it certainly qualifies as a spoonerism. Even with spoonerisms, it is consonants that find themselves in the wrong position than vowels (a vowel does misplace itself in mine). So here is my attempt to tease my ears (and yours as well) with a schuttelreim, and hopefully that will ease some tears too.. (additionally hopefully not needed in the first place)

See Through Change
Oh my!! This clear purse, it sells for dollars fifty three?!
My dear, it is pure PVC, so the price is a thrifty fee.

~ vidya @ ladyinreadwrites


On My Blog and the Homefront

this week’s posts included


On My Blog and On the Homefront

More writing, hopefully….


Literary Celebrations (close-to-it also!)

  • Literary birthdays this week include: Arthur Miller and Patrick Ness on Oct 17th;  Amish Tripathi and Rick Moody on 18th October; John le Carre on the 19th; Nikki Grimes on October 20th; Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Amy Emphron on 21st October; Ann Rule, Debbie Macomber, Deepak Chopra, Jayanta Mahapatra, and Doris Lessing on October 22nd; Aravind Adiga and Michael Crichton on October 23rd; and Emma Donoghue on October 24th.
  • October 17th is Black Poetry Day. Check out some of the poetic forms I have included previously on my blog, including the Kwansaba, the Golden Shovel, and
  • The third week of October is annually celebrated as National Friends of Libraries Week. So time to stop by your local library if you haven’t been there for a while. It is also Free Speech Week 
  • October 20th has been celebrated as the National Day on Writing since 2017. It was established by the National Council of Teachers of English. You can download a toolkit to help celebrate the day here on their website.

Foodie Celebrations

Other Celebrations and Observations

Wrapped Up: My Sunday Scribblings

So dear reader, you have reached the end of this Sunday Scribblings! As always, I welcome your thoughts, comments, and suggestions about this post. Will you be attempting to write the featured poetic form? And, of course, do let me know if you plan to celebrate any of these mentioned celebrations this coming week/month?

Linking this to the Sunday Post over at the Caffeinated Reviewer and the Sunday Salon. And for Day 16 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge

13 thoughts on “Sunday Scribblings #119: Terrific Wordplay That Teases My Ears and Eases My Tears

  1. I have encountered this poetic form a couple of times already and it’s actually pretty cool. It’s a bit confusing but would love to attempt in making one. Thank you for sharing this.

  2. how interesting! i have never heard of this poetic form before. Definitely jumping to further reading. I am sure it might be of huge use to writers, especially fantasy to make witty characters and cultures.

  3. I’ve never heard of that style poem! I love when you post the Foodie Days! I’m late reading your blog so today is National Chocolate Cupcake Day. Lia and I just made a batch to celebrate!

  4. It’s interesting to learn about the different writing form for writing poetry. It’s not something I’ve ever come across before. It can be great when they play on words. You did a great job.

  5. I enjoyed learning about Schuttelreims and spoonerisms. The ones you came up with were really great and creative. I loved that you gave a historical background. I have some German heritage/ancestry so this is really great knowledge to collect as I find out more about my background, too. I will read more of this kind of poetry!

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