
Super Saturday – Super Bowl is here again..

I am really not a football person, so why does my post title even mention the Super Bowl? Well, looks like my son is becoming a fan, and this year, the 49ers are there and living in the San Francisco Bay Area, they are our favorites by default. And they are moving closer home to us soon – to Santa Clara in the Silicon Valley. And of course, it is everywhere I turn around – newspapers, TV ads, storefront displays – all advertising the Super Bowl.

A few facts I learned courtesy of my son(who researched it on the internet!) and the internet itself:

  • The entertainers at half-time do not get paid – they do the half-time show free – for publicity purposes only
  • The San Francisco 49ers have won each time they were in the Super Bowl – 5 times in the Super Bowl and 5 times Champions
  • Everyone loves Super Bowl ads and they have had full TV shows this year featuring past Super Bowl ads – and we watched them – again! This year, each 30 second ad will cost a cool $4 million.
  • Favorite snack – Chicken wings (Per the National Chicken Council, about 1.23 billion wings will be consumed on Super Bowl Sunday); Favorite healthy snack – avocados (in the form of guacamole – about 80 million pounds will be eaten according to the Hass Avocado Board)
  • And about 700,000 people are expected to call in with Super Bowl “flu” on Monday!!!:) (luckily the main Super Bowl fan in our house – my 10 year old – already has the day off on Monday due to staff training day at his school!)

For Six Word Saturday (6WS):

Squats, pushups, planks =  my aching body

Quote It over at Freda’s The theme this week is ‘Anger’ and my selected quotes are below:

“Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight.”
 – Phyllis Diller  – This is one of my favorite quotes on anger and I guess I end up following it many a times.. so I sleep late (well, not really always but this is a funny quote and I do believe that we should not go to bed mad – cannot sleep anyways if we do)

“Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret.”
– Ambrose Bierce

For dVerse Poetics where Karin invites us to write our take on Bright Shadows – either literal, metaphorical, or anything that ‘floats our poetic boat’! So here is mine, a little literal, a little metaphorical (if you so intend to take it), and I tried to write it using a poetry form described in an earlier FormForAll (I looooove FormForAll) – the Pantoum – described here. You can see a pattern in the lines that show the form or read more about the form at dVerse here.

A Slant of Sunshine
Where the slant of bright sunshine hits
It slits through the room
Cutting across dust bunnies
As shadows disappear.

It slits through the room
It brightens dark corners
As shadows disappear
Hidden treasures emerge there

It brightens dark corners
Cutting across dust bunnies
Hidden treasures emerge there
Where the slant of bright sunshine hits

The photos here are two versions – light and shadow – inverted colors – of the same photo of my son’s drawing –
a trial in pencil shading using a display of objects (photo below). All these photos go to Saturday Snapshot:

11 thoughts on “Super Saturday – Super Bowl is here again..

  1. I know exactly what you are talking about. In my home here I see the 'slant' grow from small to big and then small again. My dogs follow the sun, sit it the warmed carpet, move when the 'slant' moves. On another note, your son is a talented artist!

  2. Well done pantoum! They are not so easy as I know. I find "slit" a very interesting word choice as I kept reading it as "silt" – which goes with the dust. This works especially well as a pantoum as there is a repetitive nature to sun, angles and dustbunnies! k.

  3. What a good example of the form..I was not yet hooked up with dverse when this was discussed and will have to try it..for you to combine it today with the prompt gives extra meaning to the subject of light and shadows…

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