For Quote It over at Freda’s, the theme is Grandparents. Quite aptly, it seems, as today happens to be my beloved father-in-law’s birthday (he passed away last September) and each of these days that he cherished brings back memories of him and still find it hard to believe he is no longer with us – he was so full of life, so enthusiastic about everything, child-like in his approach to new places/things and loved-old favorites too. My ten-year old always put his paternal grandpa and experiences with him(and still continues to) in his projects at school where he has say ‘who is his hero?’ or ‘who inspires him?’ and similar questions
For his birthday –“Grandfathers are just antique little boys.” —Author Unknown
And since it is Children’s Book Week
Six Word Saturday – Children’s Book Week is almost over. But it is just a week to highlight these books and for me, every day of every week is a day to celebrate reading in every form – whether it
be magazines, children’s books, or novels! For Saturday Snapshot, two more snaps taken during our trip to the Pampanito. The sun was shining through the cloudy sky beautifully that morning – one of the boys remarked “That is God saying hello to us”.! And another that I really enjoyed taking a photo of – a message received in the Pampanito telegraph room years ago – Happy News Delivered to a crew member. Again, these photos today are apt – today is Armed Forces Day (Saturday, May 18, 2013).

Book Reviews
The Wandering Goose : A Modern Fable of How Love Goes

The Wandering Goose : A Modern Fable of How Love Goes by Heather Earnhardt, Frida Clements
My thoughts
A story of love and friendship, an unlikely but utterly sweet story of enduring love that lasts even after the loved ones are gone. Bug finds a new
friend in goose, and as their friendship grows, their playful interactions are
captured beautifully in prose and picture. But, as the title says, goose needs to wander and when she does, bug learns of separation and of love that endures. And perhaps, just perhaps, there is goose flying overhead!
I loved the colorful illustrations here – reminded me of the bright paintings in Russian fairy tale books I read as a kid. They have a unique flair and brightness of color.
Rating: B Reading Level: 5 to 8 years Reread Level: 3/5
Thanks to Edelweiss Books for providing the digital ARC for review
The Tremendous Pagoda Tree

The Tremendous Pagoda Tree
by Amy MacDougall
illustrated by Nicole Gsell
My Thoughts
The story takes the reader on an early morning stroll in the summertime, telling all about a tremendous tree planted by Captain Thomas Milton over 100 years ago. My thoughts: History told charmingly with flowing
watercolor paintings by a mother to her little girl as they visit Martha’s
Vineyard. It is obvious this story telling is a cherished tradition mother and
daughter share and through this book, they share it with us, the readers.
The little girl learns that, as the pagoda tree travels from its native land in the Orient to its current home in America across oceans and grows, many interesting things are happening around the world – inventions (the telephone, flying, and crayons!), discoveries, and people. I enjoyed reading the amazing journey this tree made and will ensure I will see this tree if I ever make a trip to Martha’s Vineyard.
Rating: B+ Reading Level: 5 to 8 years Reread Level: 3.5/5
Thanks to NetGalley for providing the digital ARC for review
Great post. What a great week!
I just adore the cool grandfather quote, it really is right on!
What a wonderful way to honor your father-in-law with that quote. Happy birthday to him, may he rest peacefully.
LOVE those sky shots too! Beautiful seeing the heavens open up.
I still like to read children's books.