I started Sunday Scribblings on my blog inspired by the Sunday Post over at the Caffeinated Bibliophile. It contains a bit of both the weeks sandwiching each Sunday. Well, I have been a bit lax with these scribblings with my last one over a month ago (I actually thought it was longer).
I am participating in three different challenges this month. I ended up with three different themes (not intentional)! Since I could not pick one, I decided to go with them all.
Lessons Learned
But I have learned a couple of things over the last week with this strategy:
- I should have maybe stuck to one theme 🙂 But I am going to keep going on and end as I started this time around.
- I do hope these posts offer something different to my readers; there might be some who will enjoy all of them, and others who love books and/or poetry and are curious enough about software testing to read that section. Which is why I intend to keep going on as I began
- Pin Lesson One: My Pin design is not all that thought out. There is too much on my pin. Having 10 Books or 30 something elses would have been OK, but I have three totally different things. I realized it is a pinning conundrum for those who might actually want to go ahead and pin my posts 🙂 Which board will they pin this under? They might just pick the theme they enjoyed reading about but….
- Pin Lesson Two: Having multiple pins is good. When I look at the many blog posts that talk about the hows, whats, and whys of Pinterest pin design, I know this. And in my case for this challenge, having a pin (or multiple pins) for each of the three themes is I think a better idea than one common pin for all three.
- Pin Lesson Three: I need to work on improving my pins, period. Any suggestions and/or tips on this, dear reader?
Last Week
The letters A through F made their appearance last week and here are the posts for each of them. You can vote on the book vs movie debate for each featured book/movie, learn about a poetic form and attempt to write your own using the information I have provided, and get introduced to QA concepts, a little by little as we cruise the alphabet.
- A – A is Amazing: A is for Alice, Acrostic and Ad-hoc
- B – B is Brilliant: B is for The Book Thief, the Bop and Boundary
- C – C is Clever: C is for Coraline, Cascade and Cloud
- D – D is Dynamic: D is for Da Vinci Code, Diminishing Verse and Defect
- E – E is Exciting: E is for The Exorcist, Epulaeryu, and Exploratory
- F – F is Fabulous: F is for The Fault in Our Stars, Fibonacci, and Functional
- Well, nothing else actually but kind of a reminder for me that I need to keep going….
Coming Up
The letters G through L for this week, and if time permits, a catch up on my short story challenge, and other randomness that strikes my mind.
A Little Bit of Randomness
Thanks to Martha of The Martha Review, one of the most inspiring, energetic, and genuine persons I have made friends with thanks to blogging, I learned that Apr 7 was National Handmade Day. And here are a couple of handmade items that my family has worked on over the years:
These handmade lotion bars are beautiful to look at and simply wonderful to use. We had one of our kids’ teachers ask us if it was edible because it smells like it is. Click on the image below or here to learn how to make these bars.

Below are handmade dolls that we use for our yearly Navratri golu celebrations. I need to get going on making more of these, since it was fun making them and I can give leeway to my creativity. Note: the dolls that are handmade below include the tree, the fox, the hare, and the tortoise (not the crow/jar or others partly visible in the far left.
So what are the stories you see below, dear reader? Let me know..

What are your comments or questions about today’s post? I would love to hear from you. Check out previous posts in this challenge using the links below.
Day 0 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6
Linking this to the Ultimate Blog Challenge as well as the Sunday Post over at theCaffeinated Reviewer