I voted! And I feel like asking Zoltar what he can see. If you are wondering about Zoltar, it is the name of the fortune teller machine in the Tom Hanks’ movie Big. There are a great many questions I would like answered, considering this is 2020; but in a couple of days, many of us here in the US are going to be looking for another really important one.
While I had planned to drop it off at the nearest ballot center, I ended up mailing it in. The best part of it is having the ability to track your ballot using an online tracker; for us – it is BallotTrax. I now know for sure that my ballot will be counted soon (if not already)! So thanks to all who have helped make this happen.

Poetic Sundays
The Rhymethor
I continue with my exploration of the invented poetry form with the Rhymethor. While I am not sure how I came upon this, it is most likely here.
h/t: Poets Collective
What is the Rhymethor?
Of course, the rhymethor has a rhyme scheme, as the name indicates! It is a syllabic poetic form, starting with its title of 6 syllables, followed by 3 quatrains (third stanza being an inverted version of the first stanza), and ending with a concluding line of 12 syllables, representing the total number of lines. After a little research, found this website: of the rhymethor’s creator.
The Rhymethor’s Characteristics
So here are this form’s key elements:
- is stanzaic; has 3 quatrains (or 4-line stanzas) + one additional line (see last point below)
- has a rhyme scheme of AABB, ccdd, BBAA, x
- is syllabic; 6/6/6/6, 6/6/6/6, 6/6/6/6, 12; that is, 6 syllables in each line of the quatrains (and in the title) + 12 syllables in additional line (see last point below)
- refrained: the final quatrain is the inverse of the first one (hence the inverse rhyme scheme too)
- has a concluding line of 12 syllables, one syllable for each line before the conclusion in the poem
My Example
My first attempt below, as elections are on most everyone’s mind (At least for those of us in the US)
O Say What Can You See
We vote, we hope, we pray
that fairness wins the day.
Not too much of an ask,
just like – please wear a mask!
Ballots filled in and mailed,
wondering what prevails(ed).
Will one play a trump card?
Bidin’ time is truly hard!
Just like – please wear a mask,
is it too much to ask,
that fairness wins the day?
We vote, we hope, we pray.
Tempted to ask Zoltar, please say what can you see!
– Vidya Tiru @ LadyInReadWrites
My Most Recent Posts
From my last Sunday Scribblings (well, there is one more week of October so hope I get in one post a day there!)
- Adios October, Next Up Is Nonfiction November
- 6 Great Reads About Super Women
- Sunday Scribblings #48: Is New Normal a Compound Word?
On My Blog and Home-front
For my blog, decided to tack on Nonfiction November Challenge with my Cybils reading I will be doing. So hopefully will post the reviews of all those great nonfictions soon as I finish reading them!
As far as the home-front, college apps stuff continues along with everything else norma. And perhaps this is another question for Zoltar 🙂 with all the newness around the college application and additionally so this year!
This Week’s Celebrations
Here are a couple I know I will try to celebrate in one way or the other.
- National Sandwich Day is on Nov 3rd and then we have National Nachos Day on the 6th of November. (If you recall, it was the International Day of the Nacho on the 21st of October; while I am not sure why this additional National Day was needed so soon after, it certainly is not a problem either!)
- And it is always wonderful to celebrate STEM/STEAM! Nov 8 has been set aside to be National S.T.E.M./S.T.E.A.M. Day – simply because it is NOV8 (in-Nov-ate)
- Also, I guess I missed it earlier, but Nov 1st is National Author’s Day and National Family Literacy Day; so celebrate both by picking out a book by a favorite author for your family, and read it together!! Family Literacy Day actually kicks off National Family Literacy Month.
- November is certainly a cool celebration month for month-long celebrations! It is Family Stories Month, National Diabetes Month, National Gratitude Month, National Inspirational Role Models Month, National Life Writing Month, National Native American Heritage Month, and National Novel Writing Month among so many others!
Wrapping up my Sunday Scribblings
So dear reader, this was it for my Sunday Scribblings. I would love to hear your comments on my post(s), poetic Sunday section, and anything else. And which of these days do you plan to celebrate (or any other)? Are you participating in reading Nonfiction this November, or in NaNoWriMo? And what would you ask Zoltar if you could?
Linking this to the Sunday Post over at the Caffeinated Reviewer and the Sunday Salon
I wish I could ask Zoltar the question about the election. I saw one blogger friend write, “This election is for the soul of America.” And I think that’s true.
Your poem is wonderful. It’s a great example of the form and it’s lovely in and of itself.
What a beautiful rose! It’s a little too wet here for really good roses. Yours has beautiful color.
Glad you are joining in for Nonfiction November. Have you made a list of books you might like to read?
What your friend said about the election is so true… at this moment as I reply, we are all waiting (and hoping)..
thank you as always for your compliments on my pics and poem…