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Sunday Scribblings #46: Oh Well, Can’t Think of a Title

My last Sunday Scribblings was almost a month ago now; it seems a whole fortnight of weekends went by at lightspeed since then. While my daily posts for this month have not really been as planned (or not daily), that is the hope for the rest of the month. And I really can’t think of a title!! So if you have a clever one that might fit this hodge-podge of content, let me know (will not be updating it but might think to myself, should have used it!)

Sunday Scribblings

Poetic Sundays

The Diminishing Verse

I continue exploring invented poetic forms, that I started with my last Poetic Sundays. Invented poetic forms range from the fun to the more serious ones, each one clever and retaining a unique flavor all its own. This week’s featured form is the diminishing verse.

What is the Diminishing Verse?

Looking at my go-to places on the web for poetry forms and to new places for this specific one led me to a couple variations. And since one thing was clear – no clear rules for this form, I put the most interesting parts (for me) in today’s post.

As the name suggests, there is something that diminishes as lines go by in this verse. That something is letters of the last word in each line. The poet reduces the last word by a letter (or more) without rearranging them until there is none left to reduce. So, no other rules for rhyme, meter, theme, or for a required number of syllables, lines or stanzas in this form.

Simply keep diminishing the last word of each line until … you can’t. And there is no known origin for this form as well.

h/t: Writer’s Digest and YeahWrite

The Diminishing Verse’s characteristics

With rules being as they are, these are the characerstics:

  • No rules! except this one, reduce (or diminish) the last word of each one by one (or more) letter(s) with each following line as required, until there is none left to reduce.
  • Note that each new diminished word needs to make sense too; it can be a word from another language if you so wish. Or it can be a nonsense word too! Just ensure it sounds like it makes sense in context!!
  • If you want to continue writing after you have run out of word, start a new stanza with a new “start” word. The poem can be as long as you choose it to be – by choosing multiple start words for each stanza/verse; or by choosing a bigger start word (can be difficult to find bigger start words to diminish successfully, but if you, go for it!!)
Ways to Play With this Form

This form lends itself to many variations given its lack of rules, and given the one rule we do follow as we write it. So here are some ways to do so (some of which I came up with as I tried writing and others are from my go-to online resources mentioned above):

  • Have multiple stanzas with each stanza having a different last word (maybe same length of word to make the stanzas evenly sized)
  • Remove the first letter(s) from that last word (my example below)
  • Diminish by removing the last letter(s) from that last word
  • Make it alliterative too if you want – for each line using the starting letter of that last word for that line of the verse. For example, in my attempt below, the words in the first line can all start with b, in line two with r, and so on.
  • Options are endless. Make it as challenging as you wish.

My Example Diminishing Verse: Can’t Think of a Title!

My first attempt.

“My dear girl, can you please fetch the broom
We need to scurryfunge, especially this room
There are guests arriving, tante and oom*
Anytime soon, now!!” “Mama, don’t panic. Say om.”

-vidya tiru

*tante and oom – aunty and uncle in Dutch

Since I Last Scribbled

My son handed over the benches he made for his Eagle Project to his middle school. This is my daughter adding one last layer of stain to the bench.

My Most Recent Posts

Since my last Sunday Scribblings…

Other Updates

I (almost) finished The Cornerstone Content Blog Challenge (for September 2020). Martha and Jeanine are among the best hosts you can expect to have for such a challenge, and I look forward to joining again in December for the same. This month, however I am participating in the UBC while devouring more books; many of them for a reason – the Cybils Awards!

I talked about it earlier this week; if you have a favorite children’s or YA book published in the last year and you would love to see it get more recognition, you have till the 15th of October to nominate it for the Cybils Awards. Check for more details and nominate here– really simple process and this will give the judges more to read and choose from!


My bookstagram attempts
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Spotlight: How to Get Away with Myrtle by @elizabethcbunce Summary It’s no surprise that a girl like Myrtle can’t stay out of trouble for long, even when, in the next installment of the Myrtle Hardcastle Mystery series, her father sends her off to the English seaside for some relaxation with her insufferable Aunt Helena. In book two, How to Get Away with Myrtle, Myrtle, her governess, and, of course, Peony the cat are loaded onto a private railway coach where Myrtle makes the acquaintance of Mrs. Bloom, a professional insurance investigator aboard to protect the priceless Northern Lights tiara. But before the train reaches its destination, both the tiara and Mrs. Bloom vanish. And when Myrtle arrives, she and Peony discover a dead body in the baggage car. Someone has been murdered—with Aunt Helena’s sewing shears.The trip is derailed, the local police are inept, and Scotland Yard is in no rush to help. What’s a smart, bored Young Lady of Quality stranded in a washed-up carnival town to do but follow the evidence to discover which of her fellow travelers is a thief and a murderer? Quick Thoughts: What is not to love about a spunky girl detective with a mind of her own? Add to it a Victorian England setting, a wondrous supporting cast, humor, excellent sleuthing, & well, so much more! Stay tuned for my review of #howtogetawaywithmyrtle; Check out for my review of Book1: #PremeditatedMyrtle #happybookbirthday #doublemyrtle #howtogetawaywithmyrtle #premeditatedmyrtle #scavengerhunt #myrtlehardcastle #algonquinyr #MHDS #elizabethcbunce #middlegrade #bookseries #instagramscavengerhunt #mystery #middlegradebooks #peonythecat #booktour #coverlove #bookworm #booklove

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Book Review and Spotlight: Skunk and Badger ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ —- Book Description: No one wants a skunk. They are unwelcome on front stoops. They should not linger in Important Rock Rooms. Skunks should never, ever be allowed to move in. But Skunk is Badger’s new roommate, and there is nothing Badger can do about it. When Skunk plows into Badger’s life, everything Badger knows is upended. Tails are flipped. The wrong animal is sprayed. And why-oh-why are there so many chickens? “Nooooooooooooooooooooo!” ——- My alphabetical thoughts: Adorable, beautifully written, charming, delightful, engaging, funny, giftable, heartwarming, interesting, just-right, kute(!), lovable, must-read, needed, offbeat, please-book-2-now, quaint, refreshing, sweet, touching, uplifting, vibrantly-nostalgic, whimsical, x-cellent, you-need-now, zesty You can read the complete review on my blog here – A big thank you to @netgalley and @algonquinyr for the physical ARC of this book. All opinions are my own. . . . #skunkandbadger #amytimberlake #SkunkandBadgertour #jonklassen #algonquinyr #cutereads #childrensbooks #wholesomebooks #ladyinreadwrites #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookish #booklover #booknerd #bookworm #bibliophile #bookblogger #bookblog #booklife #readeveryday #alwaysreading #bookrecommendations #bookreviews #coverlove

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The Others


On My Blog and Home-front

My Blog

Expect to see reviews, of course, as always, as I continue to share my favorite reads with you. And a few other posts I had in mind as well.

My Home-front

Not much new here. College-app-work continues. Essays are being (re)written and reviewed currently.

This Week’s Celebrations

Here are some of the fun ones I know I will enjoy celebrating.

  • It is National Freethought Day on the 12th of October, a day that encourages people to be free thinkers and base their opinions on facts, science, logic, and reason. Unfortunately, a day like this is needed even today.
  • Challenge yourself to puzzles and riddles on October 13th which is National Train Your Brain Day
  • A day that I think I celebrate everyday!! It is National Dessert Day on October 14th.
  • I certainly love Lucy, and it is National I Love Lucy Day on Oct 15th (the show debuted on this date in 1951)
  • National Dictionary Day was created in honor of Noah Webster’s birthday (October 16, 1758). Open a dictionary, either the physical one, or go online, learn a new word or two. Or learn something interesting about words you thought you knew.
  • It is Black Poetry Day on October 17th. You can check out this post – I have a couple of great books perfect for this day in the same. You could check them out to celebrate Maybe enjoy all that wonderful poetry with some delicious food as it is also National Pasta Day.
  • I know I want to celebrate National Exascale Day Exascale computing refers to computing systems capable of at least one exaflop or a billion billion calculations per second, which is 1018, well, October 18th. Celebrate by reading about the Nobel Award winners (so many women too!) or creating a cool science project, or reading STEM books. Here are a few for the little ones. And pair STEM with a cupcake; it is National Chocolate Cupcake Day too on the 18th.
  • National Sweetest Day celebrated every 3rd Saturday in October. It encourages everyone to be generous even in the smallest ways.  From its inception as Candy Day in 1916, this day reminds us that even small tokens improve the lives of those around us. 

Wrapping up my Sunday Scribblings

So dear reader, this was it for my Sunday Scribblings. I would love to hear your comments on my post(s), poems, poetic Sunday section, and anything else. And which of these days do you plan to celebrate (or any other)? 

Linking this to the Sunday Post over at the Caffeinated Reviewer and the Sunday Salon.

15 thoughts on “Sunday Scribblings #46: Oh Well, Can’t Think of a Title

  1. The diminishing poetic form sounds fun. There’s something wonderful about a poem that manages to follow a form as well as have meaning.

    I’ve been eager to read Skunk and Badger. Thank you for sharing your review. Now I really can’t wait.

    Your son’s bench looks great. Congratulations on his accomplishment.

    Have a good week.

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