I last scribbled about two weeks ago, and today’s post is an attempt to highlight as always, the days that went past and those ahead. And we lived under orange skies for quite a few of those days past!!

Poetic Sundays
The Mini-Monoverse
I spent the last few poetic Sundays traveling the world; and while I will be bringing you forms from different corners again, I will be exploring invented poetic forms. While all forms are invented one way or the other, these forms classified as ‘invented’ are fairly new, and became popular via online poetic communities.
What is the Mini-Monoverse?
Like the name implies, this poetic form is a short verse with short lines. It was invented by Emily Romano, and is a fun verse to try writing.
The Mini-Monoverse’s characteristics
- has two five-line stanzas or quintains
- Is syllabic: each line has three syllables
- Rhymed: stanza 1: a/a/a/a/a; stanza 2: b/b/b/b/b. And if you choose to add another mini-monoverse, then stanza 3: c/c/c/c/c; & stanza 4: d/d/d/d/d.
- Story-teller: Ideally, the mini-monoverse tells a story (optional)
- ShadowPoetry (and you can also find great examples of this form – by Emily Romana, the form’s creator – here)
My Example Mini-Monoverse : About Those Orange Skies
My first attempt.
Those Hazy Days
Orange skies
Weird and nice!
Wow! Surprise!
More such cries!
Something flies?
Two or three
Crows maybe,
By that tree?
Hard to see.
-Vidya Tiru
Since I Last Scribbled
I am sure many of you have seen or heard about the orange skies phenomenon that swept the Bay Area early this past week. It was certainly eerie walking under what seemed like Martian skies.
Check out the pics below as I captured the sun shining through a layer of dense smoke on Monday, the 8th of September. The next pic is of the almost blood-red moon on the night of the 8th. And the last one is just one of many pics I took of those now famous orange skies.
The surprising thing was that while the orange skies were a result of all the smoke from the fires around us (we are safe however since the fires closest to us are now contained), we could not smell any smoke on that particular day when the skies made the news. According to what I gleaned from articles, this was because a layer of marine fog had drifted in between the smoke and us earthlings. That fog ensured we did not smell the smoke; and the sun filtering through those two layers created those Martian Orange Skies!
And a note: each of these pics are from the same location (my backyard) pointing at the sky in the same general space.

My Most Recent Posts
Since my last Sunday Scribblings…
- Big Little Bit of Motivation: The Sunshine Blogger Award
- 13 Unique Books You Will Want Right Now
- 10 Great Books a Younger Me Would Have Loved
- Bookish Journeys Captured in Photos
- How Books Challenge Our Perceptions
- How (My) Grandparents Influence Love for the Written Word
- A Quick Stroll Down Memory Lane
- Things Bibliophiles Do For the Love of the Written Word
- 5 Simple Ways to Encourage
- What Your Writing Style Reveals About You
- How to Live our Legacy Everyday So We Leave One
- Book Review: The Book of Lost Friends
- Sunday Scribblings #44: Sighing in Relief a Little More Freely
Other Updates
I have always been inspired by other bloggers who seem to have boundless energy; and I always wonder how they do it. So I decided to join two of them, as they host The Cornerstone Content Blog Challenge (for September 2020) Martha and Jeanine are among the best hosts you can expect to have for such a challenge. While it is halfway through the month, feel free to jump in if you want (click on the link for the challenge for details).
I admit I am already playing catch up, and hope to make up for the lost days by mid-week.

My bookstagram attempts
The Others
On My Blog and Home-front
My Blog
Look for a review of a great read for young ones tomorrow. And of course, more varied posts as I play catch-up on The Cornerstone Content Blog Challenge.
My Home-front
Not much new here. College-app-work continues; and look forward to a post/pics of the finished benches my son built for his Eagle Project (with the help of his friends).
This Week’s Celebrations
Here are some of the fun ones I know I will enjoy celebrating.
- Donuts anyone? How about a cream filled one? For it is National Cream Filled Donut Day on the 14th of September.
- And a day to explore creativity? Everyday, right? Plus extra-specially on the days set aside as well, like this one celebrated on September 14th called National Live Creative Day
- While I think any day is for guacamole, September 16th is National Guacamole Day! And the same with National Cinnamon Raisin Bread Day which is on the 16th of September as well.
- September 16th is going to be a day full of celebrations; it is also National Play-Doh Day.
- This is truly the first I have heard of this fruit. Now I need to look for it and try it. National Pawpaw Day is celebrated on the third Thursday in September. Dear reader, have you tried this fruit? Your thoughts?
- I be goin’ t’ ‘ave fun tryin’ t’ natter like a pirate on the 19th of September, which is the date for International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Try this pirate speak translator (I owe this to my nattering on!)
- Butterscotch and pudding – a yum combination! Of course, I will enjoy National Butterscotch Pudding Day (September 19th)
- I have always loved dancing and now my DD enjoys it too; so it makes sense that we will find a way to celebrate National Dance Day celebrated annually on the third Saturday of September
Wrapping up my Sunday Scribblings
So dear reader, this was it for my Sunday Scribblings. I would love to hear your comments on my post(s), poems, poetic Sunday section, and anything else. And which of these days do you plan to celebrate (or any other)?
Linking this to the Sunday Post over at the Caffeinated Reviewer and the Sunday Salon.
Oh, those orange skies. And the photo of the moon is surreal. I hope that the wildfires are soon brought to a halt. I’m sending good thoughts and prayers your way.
The little poetic form is a perfect delight. Mini-monoverse is completely new to me. I read lots (over 200) picture books every year, and many of them, I find, are written in verse. The verse often reads like sing-song. I wish picture book authors would explore some alternatives to traditional verse.
Your photo-a-day highlights are, as always, beautiful. I’ve never shared my reviews on Instagram. I always feel like I neglect Instagram.
I hope you stay safe in the coming week.
Paw-paws are a unique taste, they sort of taste like a tropical fruit salad, and the texture is creamy