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Sunday Scribblings #43: Beating the Heat to Battling Lightning Complexes

When I first started writing this post, it was still before last Sunday, and we were finding ways to beat the insane heat that came upon us. My three also attempted to cook an egg on the concrete in our backyard (sunny side up, not kidding!)

And then time got away from me, and before I knew it, we were waking up to the sound of thunder and the flash of lightning unexpectedly. It seemed like things were going to cool down for us a bit. But no, that thunder and lightning simply were omens of what was to come. Today, the Bay Area is battling fires for the seventh(?) day in a row. As I write this, all I can see out the window is smoke-filtered eerie sunlight, and all I can smell is – smoke.

Looking at the map and seeing where we are located seems like looking at a tiny strip of land right between two of the most massive fires California has ever seen. It is unsettling. We have friends who have been evacuated from their homes and are staying elsewhere (with family, at hotels, at emergency shelters setup for the purpose) and they have no idea what awaits them when they can finally return. It is sad. I have the list of emergency items printed out; I know where each of the items on the list is and that it is easily accessible; but I cannot get myself to put them all together. I am holding on to hope.

sunday scribblings

Poetic Sundays

The Forms so Far

An Ode to Those Heroes

Today, I do not have a poetic form though I had planned to include praise poetry here (so maybe next week) but I include a poem I found online below (source:

Since I Last Scribbled

Well, since I last scribbled, a lot of things did happen as I have talked about at the beginning of the post.

On the one side:

  • My daughter went on a overnight backpacking trip planned perfectly social-distance style just before school reopened. She and her fellow scouts backpacked and camped in the property owned by a friend of one of the scouting families. It was convenient, local, and close to beautiful Castle Rock State Park.
  • Then came the heat waves and the dry thunderstorms causing lightning fires leading to those smoke-screen skies all over (I talked about this earlier)
  • And Castle Rock State Park is right outside the CZU Lightning Complex zone that is currently burning in the Santa Cruz/San Mateo counties. The property owners where my daughter backpacked (while are still outside of the active fire zone/CZU complex) have had to leave as part of the mandatory evacuation orders. Thankfully, all the chickens and other birds they cared for are now safe with other friends in the area.
  • Sadly, we have lost a part of history with severe damage to the first and one of the most beloved state parks of California – Big Basin Redwoods State Park. You can check out these articles from The New York Times and BuzzFeed for more info.

On the other:

  • A new school year began(virtually, of course) and we have two high-schoolers in the house now! How time flies..
  • My son is almost done with the benches (final touches pending) for his Eagle Scout project (photos next time when it is all done)
  • And of course, disasters like this also bring to the forefront the strength that is humanity. Those first responders and firefighters braving everything to help protect

My Most Recent Posts

My latest posts: (since the last scribbling!)


My bookstagram attempts
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Children's Book Review: The Wish Carvers by Kathleen Gauer and illustrated by Sari Richter ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ 1/2 (4.5/5) . A charming and beautiful fable – in words and illustrations – with a powerful message. One that will delight the readers in its reading! . You can read the complete review on my blog here – . . . #TheWishCarvers #KathleenGauer #SariRichter #SkippingstonePress #fables #bookstagram #childrensbooks #bookreview #readingforfun #readingforpleasure #readingisfun #readingislit #lovereading #kidlit #childrensliterature #bookworm #bookishpost #bookstagrammer #bookworm #booklover #fictionbooks #instareads #bibliophile #girlswhoread #reader #booknerd #booklife #bookblogger #ladyinreadwrites @skippingstonepress @saririchter1

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And the others

Those smoke-screen skies I was talking about..



On My Blog and Home-front

I have a whole stack of books waiting to be reviewed so I will pick a few and post them here. And I also have a couple other type of posts I hope to publish.

This Week’s Celebrations

A wide variety this week for you!

Wrapping up my Sunday Scribblings

So dear reader, this was it for my Sunday Scribblings. I would love to hear your comments on my post(s), poems, poetic Sunday section, and anything else. And which of these days do you plan to celebrate (or any other)? 

Linking this to the Sunday Post over at the Caffeinated Reviewer and the Sunday Salon.

4 thoughts on “Sunday Scribblings #43: Beating the Heat to Battling Lightning Complexes

  1. How terrifying to be so close to the fires. I’ve been watching them on our news and it’s so sad to watch the devastation. Prayers that you will be safe and the fires will die down. I love the firefighters poem.

  2. I think I need to stop what I am doing right now and pray for you and your family and your home.

    There. Praying for those firefighters, too. How terrifying it must be to have your home right between two enormous fires. I wish there was something else I could do. I hope you will be safe and that these fires will be put out quickly.

    I encourage you to apply for the Cybils. I think it’s something you would enjoy.

    I miss seeing your poetic form today, but I thank you for your firefighter poem. I will share it with my friend whose son is in the Houston Fire Department. He just had a covid scare at his station, and I’m sure he will appreciate seeing the poem.

    Please stay safe. I will continue to pray for you each day.

    1. Thanks so much Deb.. for your prayers, your kind words and encouragement. That is help too…
      And I hope things take a turn for the better over this week. I will share a poetic form here next week…

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