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Sunday Scribblings #41: Where We Spent Time Looking Skyward

Looking Skyward Kind of Week

So we spent the a couple of nights this week looking skyward, and am since then nursing a crink in my neck!! You are wondering why, right? I was trying to catch a glimpse of the Comet Neowise that was supposed to be visible with its peak on the 23rd. And the thing is, if we miss it now, there is no way we can catch it on its next journey – that next time is 6800 years away!

Did I see it? Unfortunately no.. looks like we should have driven to a place with less light pollution, but that was going to be a little difficult anyways..

But there is a positive side to this; I ended up looking at other things in the night sky instead. I have been enjoying looking at Jupiter each night (and Saturn sometimes) in the night sky (sans telescope). And according to the sources that are on the WWW, if we stay up late enough or wake up really early, we could also have a look at Mars.

What about you, dear reader? Do you spend time looking skyward? And did you catch any falling stars if you did?!

sunday scribblings

Poetic Sundays

The Forms so Far

The Quinzaine

A little bit of French flair for you today with the quinzaine!

What is the Quinzaine?

quinzaine is an unrhymed verse of fifteen syllables. The word comes from the French word quinze, meaning fifteen. The syllables are distributed over three lines so that there are seven syllables in the first line, five in the second line, and three in the third line (7/5/3). The first line makes a statement. The next two lines ask a question relating to that statement.

The quinzaine’s characteristics:
  • a tristich (ie a poem/verse of three lines)
  • unrhymed
  • syllabic: 3 lines in length, 15 syllables overall
  • syllable pattern by line: Line 1: seven syllables; Line 2: five syllables; Line 3: three syllables (7/5/3)
  • and the lines themselves: Line 1 makes a statement; while lines 2 and 3 ask a question (or two) related to the statement in line one.
So the basic structure of the sijo:

Line 1: 7 syllables (a statement)
Line 2: 5 syllables (question or part of a question related to the statement)
Line 3: 3 syllables (question or part of a question related to the statement)

h/t: ShadowPoetry

My Example

Here is my first draft, inspired by, well, the current times.. (or …)

Frozen in Time
Time waits for no man, they say
Didn’t time just freeze?
Didn’t it?

-vidya (ladyinread)

Last Week On My Blog and Home-front

So I biked this week, after a really long time (don’t ask me how long!) And it was easier than I expected (it turned out to be hotter than expected too!) I started off small and biked about 3.5 miles, and hope to do more each time.

And as I already mentioned, spent time looking skyward and enjoying the night sky.

I did manage to blog everyday again; and did manage to get a non book-review/book-list post in this week with the post about the Gutenberg sculpture I saw at the NYPL last summer.

My Most Recent Posts

My posts from last week:


Again, I forgot to bookmark articles this week but these are the ones I recalled first


My bookstagram attempts
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Book Review: The Boreal Forest: A Year in the World’s Largest Land Biome ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ A wonderful STEM addition for young readers! In beautiful double-page spreads, Carmichael’s almost poetic narrative on the backdrop of beautiful forest scenes works alongside text-boxes in the sidebar containing additional facts to inform and enlighten the reader. Carmichael takes the reader through an year in the boreal forest across different countries as she describes the flora and fauna in the planet’s largest land biome. . You can read the complete review on my blog here – . Thanks to Edelweiss and @kidscanpress for the digital copy of this book. All opinions are my own. . QOTD: Would you rather explore the earth's forests or the depth of the seas? My answer: The earth's forests.. . . . #edelweiss @this_is_edelweiss @le_carmichael @joseebisaillon #theborealforest #biome #kidscanpress #nonfiction #kidsbooks #kidlitart #kidlitpicks #childrensbooks #picturebooks #readingisfundamental #readingisfun #readersofig #readtolearn #bookstagram #bookreview #ladyinreadwrites #bookworm #bookish #bookreviewer #bibliophile #bookaddict #bookishthoughts #readinglife #questionoftheday

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Book Review: A Wish in the Dark ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ This book is MAGICAL, to say the least! Set in a wonderfully detailed, Thai-inspired, delightfully fantastical world with characters that you are sure to love, this book draws you in from the very beginning, and leaves you feeling you want to stay there, in Chattana, with Pong and Nok and Somkit, and the myriad other characters. . You can read the complete review on my blog here – . Thanks to @netgalley and @candlewickpress for the digital review copy of this book. All opinions are my own. . . . @csoontornvat #AWishIntheDark #middlegrade #middlegradebooks #middlegradefiction #middlegradefantasy #beautifulbooks #coverlove #WeNeedDiverseBooks #bookstagram #bookworm #bibliophile #booklover #bookaddict #bookblogger #ladyinreadwrites #magicinbooks

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And the others
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Day 20: Perspective; Day 202, 2020: "Sometimes the smallest things take up the most space in your heart" – Winnie the Pooh, A.A. Milne . This quote is so true!! This beautiful cake pictured here on our backyard table is thanks to my 14 yo who surprised with a cake as delicious as it looks a couple of days ago.. and it totally warmed our hearts, and satisfied our sweet tooth, and filled our tummies!! . . . #rebelsunitedjuly2020potd #rebels_united #myweekofthelittlethings #its_my_week #202_composition #picturethis365 #ladyinreadwrites #mycanonlife #canonpowershot #canonpowershotsx50hs #hiyapapayaphotoaday #desserts #cakesofig #alittlebitofeverything #rebel_colors #raw_colours #nothingisordinary #everydaymoments #mylittlebaker #vegandesserts #homemadecakes #beautifulfood @rebels_united @its_my_week @picturethis365 @hiyapapayaphotoaday #raw_colours_

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On My Blog and Home-front

For the first time in many weeks, I know which reviews I am going to post for most of the days. The harder part is writing them up on time 🙂

And I will spend some more time looking skyward as we explore the night sky.

This Week’s Celebrations

Let us get the food related ones first, shall we?
  • Two of my favorite desserts (that I discovered and grew to totally love as an adult) are having their own celebrations this week. Which means I have to figure out how to include them in my menu 🙂 These two are National Creme Brulee Day on the 27th and National Cheesecake Day on the 30th!!
  • Next up, is a standard favorite maybe across the world; it is National Milk Chocolate Day on the 28th of July
  • With National Lasagna Day coming up on the 29th of July, I am reminded that it has been a while since we made (and had) lasagna at home.
  • And a family as well as California favorite (I guess), it is National Avocado Day on the 31st of July. Our every grocery trip invariably includes this fruit..
And then, the non-food related celebrations:
  • Celebrate the fact that Love is Kind on the 27th of July with National Love is Kind Day. Treat others kindly and with love, and expect to be treated with kindness as well.
  • National Get Gnarly Day is certainly a unique celebration; and not as negative as it sounds at all. Check out the link for more info and how to celebrate.
  • As I mentioned in my previous post, it is International Tiger Day on the 29th of July
  • And it is always the day to celebrate friendship, but we also have July 30th which is the International Day of Friendship; this was “proclaimed in 2011 by the UN General Assembly with the idea that friendship between peoples, countries, cultures and individuals can inspire peace efforts and build bridges between communities.

Wrapping up my Sunday Scribblings

So dear reader, this was it for my Sunday Scribblings. I would love to hear your comments on my post(s), poems, poetic Sunday section, and anything else. And which of these days do you plan to celebrate (or any other)? 

Linking this to the Sunday Post over at the Caffeinated Reviewer and the Sunday Salon.

Linking up to the Ultimate Blog Challenge 

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2 thoughts on “Sunday Scribblings #41: Where We Spent Time Looking Skyward

  1. I didn’t even try to take a look at the comet. We are getting a lot of Saharan dust coming through here right now, and I was pretty sure it would be an impossible task.

    I need to get my bike out. I miss riding.

    One of the things I’d like to try baking is cheesecake. I suppose I need to get a springform pan first, though.

    You blogged every day last week…now that’s a good week.

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