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Sunday Scribblings #36: Protesting Peacefully

The week-long curfew imposed because of rioting last Sunday was lifted on Thursday because people began protesting peacefully. While there were still some looting/tear gas/violent incidents around, peaceful protesting is what I have seen and heard of more often. And it is simply amazing that this has now become a worldwide protest. People everywhere are stepping out to show that #unitedwestand and that black lives do matter.

I spent a major part of Saturday afternoon marching with many others as part of a local protest, and then listening to young and old speak about the issues and the whats-and-hows of each of us can do our part towards a future where we do not have to say ‘Not One More Life’ anymore. It was truly inspirational and empowering to be there. (And just last week, I spoke about not knowing if I would be out on the streets raising my voice, but could always do it via the medium of the internet)

Here are a few photos I took at the event:

It was also heartening to watch that there were many who were there with bottled water (and one person with granola bars too) to hand out to anyone who needed it. Thank you!

sunday scribblings

Poetic Sundays

The Forms so Far

Slam Poetry

Not really a poetry form; as in I cannot state specific rules on how to write it or talk about form or meter or rhyme. But this was one I wanted to include here now.

What is Slam Poetry?

Slam poetry, as I mentioned earlier, is not really a poetry form; rather it is combines the key elements of performance, spoken word poetry, competition, and audience participation. The name is derived from the fact that it is performed at events called poetry slams, or simply slams.

Here are a few really cool websites to learn more about slam poetry:

Slam Poets

Since this is a performance poetry, while I did attempt to write something that could possibly be performed, I have not attempted performing it yet. I hope to – in the future; and when I do, I will post it here and elsewhere!

But I leave you with some links to videos (have enjoyed all those that I did watch among the many below):

Last Week

On My Blog and Home-front

Oh well!! I have not done anything much this past week, nothing I had planned anyways, and just one blog post (which was also earlier today!)

But my 17 yo and I both heaved a sigh of relief as I let him click the Submit button on his piano exam virtual application. We did multiple recordings of the five music pieces he had to perform and while we didn’t reach perfection, his teacher was satisfied and we were simply – well – tired. Now all we have to do is wait for the results that hopefully will be available before this month end. In a live exam where the examiner is watching you, you have one chance and even if you make a mistake, you keep moving on. But with this virtual exam where we had to upload the recordings, he wanted the pieces to be perfect, which meant performing under that pressure led to a couple of mistakes 🙂

We also watched the new Little Women movie. I guess I found myself partial to previous versions of the movie, and of course the book itself. While my kids (sadly not having read the book in spite of my practically forcing it down their throats many a time over the years or trying to make one summer a Little Women reading summer, or even watched any other versions) enjoyed the back-and-forth between time periods, the beautiful scenes, and of course the cast.

Hubby and me celebrated another year of our marriage, and my 14 yo baked a delicious chocolate cake for the occasion!

My Most Recent Posts

Posts from last week (just one truly, but including the two posts since last Sunday)


While there were many articles and posts that resonated with me these last few days, sharing a few here today and including the ones from last Sunday’s post as well as they still need to be read/shared/seen

The below are articles and posts I included last week, and here again


Here are a few selections from my insta-feed this past week.

View this post on Instagram

Day 154, 2020: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” are the words on this beautiful Norman Rockwell mosaic piece entitled ‘Golden Rule.’ This is displayed at the UN HQ in New York and was a gift to the UN in 1985 by then First Lady Nancy Bush. Then Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson noted that “It reflects humanity – the wondrous mix of nationalities, creeds and colours.” And the words of the Golden Rule are ones we all need to remember, even more so now: – as we raise our voices against injustice and cruelty and racism and hatred,; – and more importantly, as we speak for love and equality and peace and justice and humanity. Taken July 2019 . . . #picturethis365 #154_on_the_wall #ladyinreadwrites #mycanonlife #canonpowershot #unhq #unitednations #goldenrule #traveltales #newyork @picturethis365 #equality #antiracism #humanrace

A post shared by Vidya (@ladyinreadwrites) on


On My Blog and Home-front

Definitely a couple of posts at the least but I am not going to talk about working on all those challenges I left hanging in March or any of the other tasks I talked about the last two weeks.

This Week’s Celebrations

Here are a couple of this week’s many celebrations:

Wrapping up my Sunday Scribblings

So dear reader, this was it for my Sunday Scribblings(and I know it is past Sunday again, but it will come around). I would love to hear your comments on my post(s). And which of these days do you plan to celebrate (or any other)? 

Linking this to the Sunday Post over at the Caffeinated Reviewer and the Sunday Salon.

4 thoughts on “Sunday Scribblings #36: Protesting Peacefully

  1. I hope you were properly masked- and have been tested! (Repeat in a week, too!)
    And, kudos to you for standing to end this nonsense. One would think after so many decades and centuries, things would have changed.

  2. I’m glad you were able to participate in the protests. I’m happy there were so many protests in so many cities and towns around the world. It gives me hope.

    Happy anniversary! Beautiful cake.

    It’s interesting how doing a tape of something seems to up the pressure we put upon ourselves. We’d planned to do a rock and fossil program for children at our county’s libraries this summer, but we ended up having to do a tape of it. The library called last week and said there were some problems and that we’d have to redo part of it! Much easier live, I think.

  3. Our local protest was at a parking lot that included a Jet’s Pizza. An employee from Jet’s was walking through the crowd giving away slices of pizza and bottles of water. I thought that was awesome. Enjoy your week!

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