Blogging, Current Events, Lists, Writing

Sunday Scribblings #29: New (Becoming) Normal Now(?)

Is the “new” normal becoming the “normal now?” It almost seems like that. There are many things that people were already doing virtually every once in a while that has now changed to them doing it every-while – like meetings, classes, or chatting with friends and family. And then there are the things that we are still getting used to – the staggered entries into grocery stores, the masks everywhere, the physical distancing if we happen to run into close friends and family at the store or on a walk, and the list can go on for both the familiar and the strange.

But chances are high that this “new” normal stays on – in a slightly modified form, of course – post-crisis. While some of the things might be staggered school schedules, like a recent article mentioned for California schools when we reopen in fall (hopefully), I am hoping the rest are the ones that are the positive changes – all the good habits we have established for ourselves, the new skills we have taught ourselves, the bonding with family, working together towards a global good, and again, the list can go on (I will have to work on a whole post for this).

And we are all getting used to this now – operating our lives differently and more efficiently and using our resources more wisely. So I am not sure we should keep calling this the new normal anymore, it is simply now.

sunday scribblings

Poetic Sundays

Magic 9

I found the Magic 9 on one of my favorite poetic and writing inspiration sites – Writers Digest. When I searched online for its creator, I came upon The Poets Garret which mentions this was created by Devina Collins as a result of simply typing too fast!

What is the Magic 9 poem and how to write it?

You might be wondering what is magic about this form Well, just say abracadabra and then let the “r”s disappear from the said word!! And what do you get? The rhyme scheme for this magical poetic form, which is abacadaba.

That rhyme scheme is the only rule for this poetic form. You can use any meter and form, pick any theme you want, and simply say abracadabra – without the ‘r’s, sorry – so simply say abacadaba to rhyme!!

My Example Magic 9 Poem

This is a wip, my first attempt…

new normal
New normal is its name
for now, but already
it seems the new became
the now, the current,
soon to be the same
old, same old times.
The time we all overcame
and got ourselves ready
for any other new normal again.

– Vidya


Last Week

On My Blog and Home-front

I kept up with my posts for each day (whew!!) and Zumba-ed everyday. Scrabble kept me wordly nimble as well. Dancing every morning and getting exercise in the process does keep me happier throughout the day and my dh remarked on that as well 🙂

And I managed a haiku for National Haiku Day this week (see one of my Instagram photos posted below).

As planned, we did get some more work done on our garden. You can see all the weeds around the raised beds in last week’s Sunday Scribblings – now they are gone (well, mostly!). I am loving using the PictureThis app to figure out each of these strange plants growing in my garden!! Its pretty good at it.. I cross-checked the app by using it on the ones I know 🙂

My Most Recent Posts


Here are a few selections from my insta-feed this past week.


On My Blog and Home-front

My challenges continue, and I hope to get some more gardening done, as well as plan to work on some arts and crafts with my crew!

And those celebrations…

  • Have you ever been told you look like somebody else – either a celebrity or someone the person telling you knows? Well, celebrate that on National Look Alike Day on April 20th!
  • For those of you in Canada and the UK, it is Volunteer Recognition Day. But then again, everyday should be a day for recognizing volunteers everywhere, even more so in the current situation.
  • And this week is National Library Week, with the Tuesday of this week celebrated as National Library Workers Day. So a shoutout to all of those who answer questions ever so patiently, when we ask them – where can I find the book with the red cover that has a photo of a bird on it? Or something equally inane!
  • The weather is better now, and I know all of you have had enough time to master many dishes in the kitchen. So why not pack a nice picnic basket and head out to – your backyard (or your patio or balcony) – and have a picnic with the family on April 23rd which is National Picnic Day
  • And the 23rd of April is full of fun bookish celebrations …
  • You can spend the day talking like Shakespeare. After all, it National Talk Like Shakespeare Day 
  • Or walk around with a poem in your pocket (again, obviously, it is National Poem In Your Pocket Day on the 23rd this year)
  • It is also both English Language Day and Spanish Language Day on the 23rd of April, as recognized by the UN
  • As if I need a reason to celebrate this one 🙂 April 23rd is also World Book Day (as well as World Book Night). Look for ideas on how to celebrate this and #readtogether in social isolation mode through the links.
  • And you can celebrate these tuxedoed birds on the 25th which is National Penguin Day.

Wrapping up my Sunday Scribblings

So dear reader, this was it for my Sunday Scribblings. I would love to hear your comments on my post and if you had any favorite from the posts this week. And which of these days do you plan to celebrate (or any other)?

Linking this to the Sunday Post over at the Caffeinated Reviewer and the Sunday Salon.

For previous posts, click on the links below:

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Linking up to the April A to Z Blogging Challenge, and the Ultimate Blog Challenge (click on the images to learn more about these challenges)

ultimate blog challenge

4 thoughts on “Sunday Scribblings #29: New (Becoming) Normal Now(?)

  1. There have been positives to come from the social changes due to the pandemic, and I hope they are not abandoned when the crisis is over.
    I think I’ll have to look up some Zumba clips on you tube, dancing is the sort of exercise I can get behind.

    Wishing you a great reading week and good health

  2. Your thoughts inspired me today. I’m feeling very, very low, and everything I try to get me out of this mood seems to be pointless. I know the real problem is that I am rubbish without human contact.

    But I love seeing your images and I love seeing your poem. I’m going to focus on doing some photography and some writing today. The abacadaba looks like a fun challenge.

    Thank you!

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