Blogging, Books, Current Events, Poetry, Words, Writing

Sunday Scribblings #166: Write a Beautiful Thank You Poem

Today, like last week, in lieu of a poetic form, I bring you tips to write a beautiful thank you poem along with links to thank you poems for inspiration!

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Notepad and a pen over it with a cup of coffee next to it. words read Sunday Scribblings, and this is for Sunday Scribblings #166: Write a Beautiful Thank You Poem

Poetic Sundays: Write a Beautiful Thank You Poem

For thankfulness is in the air this week, so I picked this topic for today…

What Exactly is a Thank You Poem?

Think of a thank you poem as a friendly nod for those moments that made you smile. It’s like putting into words that warm feeling you get when when a friend surprises you with a cup of coffee just when you need it the most. Instead of a regular thank you note, it’s more like a low-key artistic high-five.

A thank you poem is this quirky, poetic dance where you express gratitude in a way that’s more art than a short note, a personalized melody of sorts to say ‘thank you’. On top of that, being thankful is a happiness booster. So in addition to making someone’s day with a beautifully penned thank you poem, you are practicing thankfulness and making yourself happier!

So why not write a thank you poem today?

Tips for Writing Your Thank You Poem

  1. Choose Your What/Who: What or who are you thanking/thankful for? Make a list of people and/or things. You might want to pen a thank you note to loved ones (mom/dad/aunt/child/friends), your mail-person, or your neighbor. You might even want to thank chocolate for simply being! Or your favorite author.
  2. Note Down Your Why: Pick a couple (or more) of people/things you want to pen your poem for from the list above. Now, it is time for another list. This time, write down why you appreciate them.
    • Reflect on the Moments: Take a trip down memory lane and think about the moments that sparked your gratitude. It could be a shared laugh, a helping hand, or just a simple, thoughtful gesture, but these moments are the heart of your poem.
    • Recognize Why You’re Thankful: Maybe you are thankful for that morning cup of tea because it connects you to a new day. Thinking about what it/they mean to you will also help here.
  3. Add the Details: You could write a brief ‘scene’ of a memory from each event – be specific with colors, objects, things that you could see in a picture. Or simply let the emotions flow as you think back on the moments!
  4. Set the Tone: Decide on the vibe you want your poem to have. Is it a playful ‘thank you’ or a heartfelt ‘you mean the world to me’? Your choice of tone adds that extra flavor to your poetic concoction.
  5. Play With Structure: Poems come in all shapes and sizes. Rhyme if you feel like it, go without if that’s more your style. Let your poem be comfortable in its own skin.
  6. Simple Yet Strong: You don’t need a fancy vocabulary. Keep it simple but heartfelt. Your words are the sauce of your poem – make them rich and resonant.

Be Inspired

I loved reading Anne Bradstreet’s declaration of love for her husband in this poem.

To My Dear and Loving Husband

If ever two were one, then surely we.
If ever man were loved by wife, then thee;
If ever wife was happy in a man,
Compare with me ye women if you can.
I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold,
Or all the riches that the East doth hold.
My love is such that Rivers cannot quench,
Nor aught but love from thee, give recompence.
Thy love is such I can no way repay,
The heavens reward thee manifold I pray.
Then while we live, in love lets so persever,
That when we live no more, we may live ever.

~ Anne Bradstreet (from The Complete Works of Anne Bradstreet)

And had my heart warmed by Michael Ryan’s ‘A Thank You Note’ that starts with these sweet lines –

My daughter made drawings with the pens you sent, / line drawings that suggest the things they represent,/…

Check out these poems at PoetryFoundation for inspiration.

My Attempts

Skybound Bonds!

Amidst waiting and delays, many stories were spun,
And new connections, warm friendships were begun

In an airport lounge, a delay in the air,
Five women waited, a serendipitous affair.
Strangers at first, with time to kill,
But laughter and stories, the void did fill.

Seven hours turned into a bond so sweet,
In that lounge, where new friends did meet.
Thank you for the joy, the tales we spun,
In an airport lounge, where friendships are won.
~ Vidya Tiru @ LadyInReadWrites


On My Blog and On the Homefront

My recent posts (since the last scribblings, as always)

Not much this week on the homefront.. a quiet one.


On My Blog and On the Homefront

Posts coming your way for sure, at least a couple.. and meeting up with friends at some point plus a drive or two around, or at least local hikes this week.


Literary Celebrations (close-to-it also!)

  • Literary birthdays this week include: Taylor Jenkins Reid and Nadine Gordimer on the 20th of November; Voltaire on Nov 21st; George Eliot on the 22nd of Nov; Nirad Chaudhuri and Robert Towne on Nov 23rd; Arundhati Roy and Frances Hodgson Burnett on Nov 24th; Jandy Nelson on Nov 25th; Marilynne Robinson on the 26th of Nov
  • November 23rd is Fibonacci Day. Perfect time to write a Fib poem.
  • The week of Thanksgiving seems perfect for observing Better Conversation Week … and you can make some of those conversations literary ones.. plus great conversations make for great stories too, right?
  • It is also National Game & Puzzle Week 

Foodie Celebrations

Other Celebrations and Observations

Related Books and Reads

Suggestions related to various aspects of today’s blog

Wrapped Up: My Sunday Scribblings

So dear reader, you have reached the end of this Sunday Scribblings! As always, I welcome your thoughts, comments, and suggestions about this post. Who will you be writing a thank you poem to/for? What is your favorite thank you poem? And, of course, do let me know if you plan to celebrate any of these mentioned celebrations this coming week/month?

Linking this to the Sunday Post over at the Caffeinated Reviewer and the Sunday Salon.

13 thoughts on “Sunday Scribblings #166: Write a Beautiful Thank You Poem

  1. It’s so wonderful to write a poem that thanks someone. Thankfulness seems to always generate more thankfulness.

    Happy Thanksgiving! I’m just getting around to visiting my blog friends this week—apologies for being so late to the table.

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