Blogging, Life, Lists, Poetry

So This is Yet Another Twofer One Post

April 2022 was yet another poetic journey from the Ars Poetica to the Zip, as I tried to come up with twofer posts (and forgot completely about this intention some days!)! And then, my brain took a vacation.. Well, actually, my schedule unexpectedly got hectic and I had to take a step back, but now, once again, a little bit back in..time for

Yet Another One

of my twofer posts! This is a twofer because it is first, a Reflections post, and second, a wrap up post..

The Reflections Part

What Went Well (Almost, Kind Of, )

I am glad that I managed to finish and wrap up my April challenges this year in a timely manner, well, wrapped up on the posting everyday at least.

Surprisingly, I managed to find new poetic forms for every letter of the alphabet(or previously unknown to me at least and for almost every letter) considering I went through the letters on poetic journeys at least a couple of times already!!

As far as commenting, I tried to comment on as many as I could each day across the four different challenges (at least five to ten other blogs each day). Since I also take part in a couple of other blogging groups, somedays the number varied a bit. But there is a whole lot of visiting and commenting left to do, and while I had been hoping to wrap up or get started (at least) on the same in May, my work schedule these past few days has prevented me from doing so. But I hope to get to it this week.

Regarding the twofer aspect of this challenge, I kind of veered off the path halfway through and then tried to consciously pick it up again when I realized it (so about 3/4 of the posts are an attempt to twofer them, while the rest….)

What Can I Do Better

I should simply copy and paste the stuff from last year, you can just look at it! Though I did manage to post earlier in the day and on the day of for most of this challenge.

What I Loved

As always, the community, the camaraderie, the discovery, the interaction, and of course, the challenge itself!!

And reflecting further back :

The Community

This April, I discovered so many new bloggers and continued interacting with old familiars as well.


My first time participating intentionally here! And it was a wonderful experience!

Through NaPoWriMo, I found so many super-talented poets who blew me away each day as they spun magic with words. If I could, I would name every one of the NaPoWriMo participants, but since that is impossible, I list some of the amazing creatives I interacted with a few times over the challenge (and will catch up with the rest soon). There is Alana, Arti Jain, Gloria Gonsalves, Graham Parker, Harmony Kent, De Jackson (who has inspired me since dVerse days), Elizabeth Boquet, Jacquelyn, Jim (also recall him from dVerse), Kim Russell, Lilac Posset, Natasa Bozic Grojic, Paula, Punam Sharma, Ruth Berkoff, Smitha V, Sonia Dogra, Vandana Bhasin, Wren Jones, and so many more I haven’t listed here…

Ultimate Blog Challenge

My nth time here.. definitely a dozen at the least completed, and a dozen more attempted…which means I have built a community here that now has a foundation of solid friendship that has grown stronger over the years! There is Martha deMeo who has, in my opinion, become one of the pillars of this group, and she is now joined by hew sweet-sweet great-granddaughter Lia. Then there is Alice Gerard (multi-talented, energetic, inspiring), Kebba (whose words warm you and hug you), Lily Leung (sourdough bread baker extraordinaire and artist and spinner of lyrical prose), Amanda Trought (creative arts is her magic), Bing with her content writing series, Kimberly who gave us a whole new look into veganism that educated and informed, and also Roy Ackerman (polymath to the nth degree), and Paul Taubman (without whom the UBC wouldn’t have existed).

BlogChatterA2Z and A to Z Challenge

Thank you to all those who visited via these challenges. Here is where I really need to go on road-trips, virtual journeys, so I can read, comment, and discover. But I did interact with a few bloggers in these challanges too: there is Afshan Shaikh (thanks for visiting regularly, love your pensive thoughts), Timothy Brannan (cool out-of-the-world posts), Jayashree Srivatsan, Dino (with a boxing theme!), and then there are so many others that I have been planning to visit (that roadtrip I mentioned)..

Poetry Wrap Up: Forms and Books and More: An Alphabetical Journey

old-fashioned green Typewriter on wooden table. title is poetry april 2022 a2z challenge. post title is yet another twofer post

Thank You

I do want to say THANK YOU to all of you wonderful readers who visited, read my posts (so many of you read it end to end!), my attempts at poems, and encouraged me to keep going with your warm and lovely comments.

Thank you and Kudos to all who were part of the month long blogging journey in each of these challenges. It was fun, and even more so, because we were in it all together…

BlogChatterA2ZBlogging from A-to-Z April ChallengeNaPoWriMo, and the Ultimate Blog Challenge

And Now, the End of This Yet Another Post!

So here is to wrapping up another challenge, and while I will start actively visiting and commenting on blogs I could not during the challenge month, I am also looking forward to next year, and hopefully can plan well in advance for yet another year of poetic journeys through the alphabet!

2 thoughts on “So This is Yet Another Twofer One Post

  1. Same as you, I love interacting with fellow bloggers and learning some tips in the blogging world. I also appreciate the support we receive all from all these blogging group. I’m happy to have always come across with your blog.

  2. You sure have been busy! I enjoyed reading about the different forms of poetry, I never knew there was so many! CONGRATULATIONS on all your challenges completed and I’m looking forward to seeing you in the next UBC. BUT I’ll be checking in on your blogs between now and then!

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