Once upon a time
your tiny kicks,
like bubbling whispers
danced upon my heart.
Soon no longer a dream,
your first breath
on my cheek
made me blissful
Today, your giggles, your grins
cue answering
sparkly shimmery
Tomorrow’s beauty is next.
There is so much a little girl can do – waiting to see what the tomorrows bring!! For dVersePoet’s Quadrille #44, where the word to be used this week is ‘kick’.

Oh how I love this!!! Brings back so many memories…as I am now in my seventh decade….but I do remember those little dancing feet within my belly and then the sheer exhileration of birth and then the calm of holding that little one upon my chest in a rocking chair…and so many stagest afterwards. People always used to say, “treasure it now because it goes so fast” and some days I’d just scoff at that as it seemed I was mired in dirty diapers, or temper tantrums in the grocery store or teenage angst…but it is so very true. We have our children actually with us for such a very short time within the span of our lives. Enjoy every minute! Loved your post here….and the walk down my memory’s lane it prompted 🙂 Thank you!
thank you Lillian..time does fly fast.. with my kids at 14 and 11 years of age now, i am realizing that and plan to do exactly what you say – enjoy every moment
Such fun joy and hope we put in our children. Nicely captured.
Love love LOVE that photo – and this adorable poem!
thank you De…
I like how the child progresses from kicks to breaths to giggles.
a wonderful journey indeed
Aww, this is so sweet!
thank you!
Lovely… children has their way of tying themselves to our heart
Wonderful poem!
thank you:)