
Simply Sunday – Scripts for Peace, Freedom

For Succinctly Yours – image to the left and word is  template-
characters (with
spaces) – 68

“Oh no! Looks like I downloaded
the wrong template for weight loss.”

For Whirl, Poetic Bloomings, Magpie Tales (image to the right), I have
‘Freedom, At Last’

Whirl – venture, tumult, bitter, awake, breath, clarity, practice, step, fire,
within, listen, giddy

Poetic Bloomings: Here is the list of words: Challenge(test),
common(frequent),  mask(cover), skill(talent), origin(source), Love(find
irresistible), night(darkness), drink(sip),  beauty(magnificence),

At Last

As she sipped the bitter juice
She watched, silently
She listened, carefully
No sign of anyone else awake
Within the silent castle walls
as she ventured out
Under the cover of darkness

The magnificence of the outdoors
She had always found irresistible
Now, she could not contain the fire within
And with a clarity born from loss – of freedom
She knew tonight was the night
as she ventured out
Under the cover of darkness

She had the talent, knew not its source
Had tested herself many a time
Frequent practice had made it perfect
Her talents of photographic memory
and night-vision proved useful now
as she ventured out
Under the cover of darkness

With each step she took
She grew tumultuously giddy
Her breath hitched, the fire within grew
She was at last, now, in the outdoors
She was free
As she ventured out
Under the cover of darkness

For dVerse Poetics (Peace Within
and Without), OSI (Peace), and Haiku Heights (script)
dVerse – Reflect on a time in which you have really felt at peace in the past,
recently, or even today? Write  the situation for us so we may experience
your peace….

On a regular basis, I feel most at peace when I wake up earlier than everyone
wakes, make myself a cup of tea, and sit down with it, thinking about the plans
for the day or just nothing at all.  And then there are other moments
also, quiet and not so quiet too, when I feel at peace within.
If I have to reflect on a specific time when I really felt at peace, I can
recall many moments in the past.  Here are a few – both moments that
happen regularly and some specific moments – our recent walk at the beautiful San
Antonio preserve,  our trip in Dec 2012 to Death Valley, times spent in
our backyard at night, a visit to the Shrine of Lady Fatima over 10 years ago,
our visits to the temple (which is not often as we please),  and an almost
daily occurrence of practice sessions at home.

Scripts for Peace

Watching nature at
Its best, quiet family walks
 in cradle of green

We in our backyard,
Under the night sky of stars
Hearing crickets.

Miles of sand around
An utter, startling stillness   
In grand Death Valley

Son plays piano
The hubby on violin
little girl dances

little ones in bed
looking down at faces so
angelic  in rest

gentle waves around
birds in islets everywhere
blue skies up above

wafting incense sticks
silence speaks, in the sacred

of Fatima

visit to the

in the sanctum sanctorum
peace amidst the sounds
For Simple As That and Straight out of  the Camera(also works with the prompt Peace for dVerse and OSI) – an altered photo of my little girl practicing the Lotus pose (padmasana) in one of her favorite t-shirts – that says Love Peace

18 thoughts on “Simply Sunday – Scripts for Peace, Freedom

  1. Very funny SY story…the wrong template for weight loss…lol! I loved your 8 haiku which formed the beautiful poem, "Scripts for Peace."

    Good use of the words in "Freedom at Last." I liked the device of repetition of the phrase, "as she ventured out under the cover of darkness" in "Freedom at Last."

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