
Simply Sunday – Priorities, Goals, Realities, and What Actually Happens

Here is my wrapup post for Winter Mini- Bloggiesta :  Started off at a good pace but as the weekend rushed by, could not keep it up but happy that I participated since I got things done or started on tasks that were long overdue (and also tasks I would not have worked on at all otherwise). So I did not quite make it to the finish, but will get there soon!

  • Update some of my pages (About Me; others) and make them more visible – added links to the About Me, About the Blog, and Challenges/Memes pages at the top of my post – is it visible enough?:) – Completed!
  • Schedule one week’s worth of posts – in progress, hopefully be done with couple of them by tonight – 
    • This is still a work in progress; have a couple of posts ready now which I have not had in the past at all
  • Organize my reading challenges and memes I participate in – maybe a page –Have it ready (might keep evolving though but glad I have something to start with)
  • Write five reviews (at least two of them for NetGalley/Edelweiss each) -this is still work in progress – 
    • Got three out of five reviews done and they will be posted in a upcoming post this week (#2 schedule one week’s worth of posts!)
  • Comment, comment, comment!-commented on many blogs that had signed up for the Winter Mini Bloggiesta and discovered great new blogs that I plan to visit again ..this is always a fun part of any such challenge.

What I discovered: And the title of my post explained : We do need to set goals for ourselves and make a plan on how to achieve them. Yes, priorities will change, and some of the goals might end up taking a backseat but if we never set them, they will never become true.  At least, this way, when life gets back on track, we have something to focus on again – the goals we set, and make them Realities..

As I continue my UBC journey this month, I noticed today’s tip mentions creating a resource list. I do have one created already years ago and which definitely needs an update. I am sharing it here anyway and will be updating it over this week (as I work on the pending tasks for my Bloggiesta challenge as well).
For a list of online reading resources that I discovered (slightly outdated now, and will be updated soon), please click here.

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