Back participating in the really cool six degrees of separation bookish meme. The book that starts it off this month is Trust by Hernan Diaz.
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Separated By an Amazing Six Degrees

Trust –> A Journey in Color: The Art of Ellis Wilson –> Not Done Yet: Shirley Chisholm’s Fight for Change –> Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls: 100 Inspiring Young Changemakers –> Jollof Rice and Other Revolutions –> Tiny Travelers Nigeria Treasure Quest –> The Fearless Travelers’ Guide to Wicked Places
The Pairs
Trust –> A Journey in Color
Trust and A Journey in Color: The Art of Ellis Wilson
The link – 1920s NY. I am yet to read the first book, but A Journey is a brilliantly executed picture book biography of Ellis Wilson (someone I had not known of before reading this book).
A Journey in Color –> Not Done Yet
A Journey in Color and Not Done Yet: Shirley Chisholm’s Fight for Change . The link – first black person to “xyz.” With Ellis Wilson, he was one of the first African American artists to win a Guggenheim Fellowship, and also the first black artist to have had an exhibition in a few museums/locations including the Mayfield Public Library and the Speed Art Museum. Shirley Chisholm became the first black woman to be elected to the United States Congress. The featured book is a picture book biography of Chisholm, and a must-read.
Not Done Yet –> Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls
Not Done Yet and Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls: 100 Inspiring Young Changemakers. The link – changemakers! As with other books in the series, Young Changemakers is an inspiring book introducing readers to familiar and unfamiliar young leaders in their own right, making a change for the good of all.
Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls –> Jollof Rice and Other Revolutions
Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls and Jollof Rice and Other Revolutions. The link – strong women. I read some of Jollof Rice when I first got the book but had to put it away due to other commitments. I can’t wait to get back to it (after the Cybils awards winners are announced later this month maybe!)
Jollof Rice and Other Revolutions –> Tiny Travelers Nigeria Treasure Quest
Jollof Rice and Other Revolutions and Tiny Travelers Nigeria Treasure Quest. The link – Nigeria! I thought about taking a different turn at this point with the interlocking stories that Jollof Rice offered as a potential link to other brilliant books. But then again, Nigeria was right there looking at me, and I love the Tiny Travelers series for what it offers to the youngest of readers. So Tiny Travelers is where I ended.
Tiny Travelers Nigeria Treasure Quest –> The Fearless Travelers’ Guide to Wicked Places
Tiny Travelers Nigeria Treasure Quest and The Fearless Travelers’ Guide to Wicked Places. The link – travelers. Since I first read The Fearless Traveler’s Guide a few years ago, I do need to read it once more to do justice for a full review but from what I do recall of it, I couldn’t put it down once I started. It is a middle-grade fantasy, at once dark and cool, full of endless adventures and least expected twists in the story as you read (which keeps you reading some more, and soon, it was the end!)
Closing the Circle
I guess if I wanted to, I could close the circle and link The Fearless Travelers’ Guide to Wicked Places to Trust with the link ‘wicked places’!!:)
And Now, the End of This Post
Dear reader, first, the usual question – have you read or heard about any of these books? Your thoughts on those you have read? Also, any recommendations for similar reads? And what do you think of these chains/degrees of separation? What would be on such a list/chain for you? Do let me know and do join in the fun as well once a month (the first Saturday) at booksaremyfavouriteandbest.
Wow, well done. It’s amazing how you connected these books.
Very nice! No, I don’t know any of these books, but I usually only read adult fiction.
An interesting chain indeed! And I haven’t read a single one – yet ….
Great chain; all new to me reads, some I’d love to check out, particularly Not Done Yet 🙂
What a fun meme! I’m not familiar with any of the books you listed here (though many sound great!) except Trust. I got to meet Hernan Diaz at Booktopia Vermont last May, when his book was first released – before we knew what a huge splash it would make in the literary world!
Thanks for sharing all these wonderful books –
Book By Book
Alas, not familiar with these books, but I like the clever way you linked them – and the title of Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls!
I love how you’ve explained your links between books. And I’m glad to see a reference to Shirley Chisholm, who was a pioneer so many years ago that she’s all but dropped out of current conversations.