I have been totally booked this last week; the weekend with activities and the week, well, with books! Which lead to delays in posts and posting; so what you see here today, should have been up a few days ago.. I removed the Sunday from this title however 🙂

Totally Booked Last Week
I whiled my time away… or did I?
StPart of being totally booked: We did start of our week with a wonderful double feature at our local drive-in.. And a Disney Double feature at the Drive-in Does Delight! Pixar’s ‘Toy Story 4’ managed to keep our attention easily for the fourth time around (though I think #3 is our all-time favorite) while Will Smith’s Jinn enchanted us effortlessly in Aladdin.
Totally Booked to the end of the week with two parties we had to go to back to back. A drought of party invitations ended with two at the same time on the same day; and we decided to go to both of them (well, they were both close friends)…and we enjoyed being totally booked in this case. Catching up with friends and being a part of their celebrations was truly heart warming and joyous!
Coming Up Next
Figuring out a few more bookish summer treats for you to enjoy, so here is to another week of bookish summer posts…
A Little Bit of Randomness
This week does seem to have a lot of cool treats to celebrate in the National Day Calendar. Not a coincidence of course, considering how hot it has been and still is going to be here. With National Ice Cream Day leading the way earlier this week (on Sunday) to National Hot Fudge Sundae Day later, it will help keep us cool…
But here are the interesting things that caught my eye (other than sweet treats!)
- Today is National Amelia Earheart Day, marking her birthdate
- Followed by National Merry-Go-Round Day tomorrow (July 25); while I am not one who can enjoy a ride on one of these due to motion sickness, I truly love looking at them. They are beautiful works of art and everywhere I see them, I spend quite a bit of time with them…
- And I guess I am kind of doing a blog version of this day while attempting to catch up – National All or Nothing Day celebrated on July 26th annually
Wrapping Up My Sunday Scribblings
Here is wishing you a wonderful bookish time wherever you are..
Linking this to the Ultimate Blog Challenge for Day 21 as well as the Sunday Post over at the Caffeinated Reviewer
And so my bookish summer continues…..
This was for Day 21 of my bookish summer.. as I take a blogging journey along with fellow UBCers and other blogger friends all around the world. Once again, thank you for your support always!
What are your comments or questions about today’s post? I would love to hear from you. Check out previous Bookish Summer posts using the links below.
- A Bookish Summer Begins
- She Reads…..They Read..
- Tag: My Blog’s Name in TBR Books
- Re(a)d, White and Blue
- 15 Cool Words Every Book Lover Should Know
- Book Review: A Walk in the Woods (Guest Post)
- Sunday Scribblings #12: Summering Bookishly
- Hiking and Treasure Hunts
- Top 10 Fictional Bookworms
- Clerihew for Who
- Throwback Thursday in My Bookish Summer
- Sunday Scribblings #13: Summers Are Bookish No Matter Where You Are
- 3 Mini Reviews of Books
- 10 Authors Whose Books I would Buy Without Much Thought
- 5 Quick Tips to Have a Bookish Summer
- Summer Reads of Childhood Today
- More Girls Who Rocked the World: Book Review
- 5 Literary Landmarks in the San Francisco Bay Area