Eleven years ago, when my son turned nine, I wrote this post about how time flies,And today, he is twenty, saying goodbye to the teenage years. It does seem like a significant milestone, where one can no longer use the ‘teen’ suffix to justify any “teen”-ish behaviors, right? But even otherwise, as a parent, having your child move on from the teens makes you realize that yes, your child is really grown up now, an adult in their own right!! And I am not sure how that makes me feel? Old for one, definitely!
Jokes apart, I know he will forever be my baby, no matter how old we grow, and I will be parenting him in my own way, regardless of age š He is now 20, and here is part of my wish for him (it is a work in progress!!) (and the reference to ‘like I said when he was ten’ is this post)

My kids are in their early/mid 20s now. It’s so exciting and joyful to see them grow, but also a bit sad too.