This is my post for yesterday, the 4th of July. Here is a list of Read White and Blue books, ranging from the ones for kids to those for adults. Books about America, about life in the United States, fiction and non-fiction.
Note: This does include books I have read and those I am reading/yet to read (and am recommending based on what I know about those authors or based on personal recommendations I got from friends and family whose reading tastes match mine)
Re(a)d, White and Blue Books
Books for Younger (and older) Readers
Lest We Forget: The Passage from Africa into the Twenty-First Century
by Velma Maia Thomas – Reviewed here, this book is poignant, heart-wrenching and real.
History/Non-Fiction – 12 years and above
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I, Too, Sing America: Three Centuries of African American Poetry – For 10 years and older, this book combines poetry, history, celebrating African-Americans. It is reviewed here
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City Monsters series – these books are cute and help beginning (and non) readers discover cities across America with the help of monsters!
Our 50 States: A Family Adventure Across America by Lynne Cheney and illustrated by Robin Preiss Glasser – For grades 2 – 5: To be honest, it was the illustrator that attracted me to this book. We love Glasser’s illustrations in our home!
America the Beautiful: A Pop-up Book by Robert Sabuda – I love popups and I surely, wholly love Sabuda’s creations. He is a paper magician indeed. So this book is one I recommend with a whole heart.
Books for Adults
The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead – one book that moved me, powerfully (but am yet to write a review). I will gladly read it again, except that it did leave me in tears many a time.
The Book of Unknown Americans by Cristina Henríquez – I have it on my bedside table and am going to read it next week.
One Summer: America, 1927 by Bill Bryson – another book I am adding to my TBR because it is a Bill Bryson book. And the book’s focus on one episodic American summer is truly unique.
The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck – A book my son is currently reading as part of his summer reading for the next school year. As an accompanying activity to this, we are watching PBS’ ‘The Dust Bowl’. Fascinating indeed. I think I read the book years ago but don’t recall enough to review it now.
A People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn – I saw this book while researching for a gift for a friend a few weeks ago and added it to my TBR (not on GoodReads however).
And so my bookish summer continues…..
This was for Day 4 of my bookish summer.. as I take a blogging journey along with fellow UBCers and other blogger friends all around the world. Once again, thank you for your support always!
Here are my previous Bookish Summer posts:
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I’ve only read Grapes of Wrath from your list – I believe it was required reading in my high school English class.
It still is – my son is reading it for his required high school reading now:)
I haven’t heard of these books before, but I am curious about them. I’m always interested in reading books that depict the culture of a country accurately, so I’ll be checking them out. Great post!
I haven’t read any of these books.
I’ve not read any of these books. Thanks for sharing.
you are welcome..