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Quintessential Qutub Minar: Questions and More About Angels Too

For the letter Q, I bring to you the quintessential Qutb Minar (also spelled Qutub Minar), one of the many historical landmarks of India that has withstood the test of time, and likely will have some of our descendants looking at it in wonder too. And of course, like with the rest of the alphabet, I also bring you a poetry themed book for the letter – Billy Collins’ Questions About Angels

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Quintessential Qutub Minar: Questions From a Future Architect



To the sky

I wonder who

I wonder why too

And yes, I wonder how

Someone built this tower then

Years ago before modern tech

Well, centuries before actually! 

I have heard stories tell of the Ghurids 

Who hailed from a nation west of India

Qutb-ud-din-Aibak began this minaret

Most likely – it is said, in eleven ninety nine.

Other sultans reigning after built other stories

Each one adding not just layers, but enriching history.

telling tales of ancient times and of people who lived then and since

This minaret is and was the tallest one made of bricks ever built

How and when led to a cool mix of cultures and architectures for sure

And that is the Qutub Minar we see now, others saw in twenty thirty four.  

~ Vidya @ LadyInReadWrites

The Day 20 NaPoWriMo Prompt

Day 20’s prompt is: Have you ever heard someone wonder what future archaeologists, whether human or from alien civilization, will make of us? Today, I’d like to challenge you to answer that question in poetic form, exploring a particular object or place from the point of view of some far-off, future scientist? The object or site of study could be anything from a “World’s Best Grandpa” coffee mug to a Pizza Hut, from a Pokemon poster to a cellphone.

So I approached writing about the Qutb Minar from the questioning mind of someone in a future ages from now in this poem.

References and Further Reading

My Q Books

Questions About Angels

Questions About Angels: Poems  by Billy Collins (Poetry)

Description: Questions About Angels–one of the books that helped establish and secure Billy Collin’s reputation and popularity during the 1990s–is remarkable for its wry, inquisitive voice and its sheer imaginative range.

My Quick Thoughts: From the titular poem to the … well, every other single one of the poems in this collection, Collins’ genius shines through each one. I loved Forgetfulness, as well as Cliche, and One Life to Live; totally enjoyed The Death of Allegory, Reading Myself to Sleep, and well, no point naming every poem in this book, right? It is a great selection within, so read it!

And Now the End of This Post

Linking up to BlogChatterA2ZBlogging from A-to-Z April ChallengeNaPoWriMo, and the Ultimate Blog Challenge.

7 thoughts on “Quintessential Qutub Minar: Questions and More About Angels Too

    1. Your article on the Qutub Minar and angels is incredibly informative and engaging. The details about the history and architecture of the monument are fascinating, and the inclusion of angel symbolism adds a unique perspective.

    1. Hi Doug, the Qutb is in Delhi while the Taj is in Agra (about 3 -4 hours by road from Delhi).. since the Qutb is kind of away from other main sites in Delhi so you could have missed it without realizing it

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