This hawk epitomized patience! I first saw this hawk as I stepped out to do my chaperone duty – dropping off my daughter at dance class earlier this week. He was so still even as I walked closer to where he sat on the cable wires up top. On seeing me approach, he just stared down at me. I took a quick snap with my cell phone which is what I had then and drove away. He was still there when I got back, and then again even later when it was time to pick her up – since hubby dear did the pickup, I was free to get my camera out and take a few more snaps. I am sharing this one with you here. Barely a minute after this snap, he flew away – towards what he had been waiting for – two little birds that had been inside another tree – that is where he was looking at above, had finally flown out of there and he swooped down towards one of them – he was too fast for me to catch that in action (though I have with his back to me as he got ready to fly – that one is below). But patience definitely paid off for him..
Signing in for my Saturday Snapshot with photos this week and for Six Word Saturday ; as well as the UBC and the Write 31 Days Challenge
He is magnificent. He makes me feel a sense of peace with the world. We should have elected him president.
Great pictures. I always find I don't have the patience for good wildlife shots.