Books, Lists, Reviews

Nonfiction Roundup Post One: Cybils Awards

This is going to be the first of a series of weekly posts until I am done with the Cybils reading: Cybils Nonfiction Roundup Post One.

I have been reading a whole lot of nonfiction this year, and I surprised myself when I looked back and discovered this fact! And to top it off, I am now reading nonfiction almost exclusively; granted, it is children’s and YA nonfiction, but still. Of course it is for the Cybils Awards. Like I have mentioned a few times already, I am a round 1 judge for the Cybils Nonfiction category; and this is actually three categories and a whole lot of reading. The best part – I am discovering wonderful books, and learning so much in the process.

Cybils Nonfiction Roundup Post One

Nonfiction Roundup Post One

The list so far is of the books I have read and reviewed here on the blog. There are a few more I have read and am yet to review, and others I am currently reading (this number is over 20 currently)!


Science, Nature, etc


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Nonfiction Roundup Post One: Cybils Awards

And Now, the End of This Post

Dear reader, feel free to check out the links above for my detailed review of the book. And if you had ended up reading any of them based on reading my previous posts, do let me know!

7 thoughts on “Nonfiction Roundup Post One: Cybils Awards

  1. Are you reading more because of the pandemic, or have you always been an avid reader? Blessings on your tasks as a Cybils Award judge. Sounds like a wonderful contribution towards helping young adults develop the joy of reading!

    1. Thank you, and I try to make sure my teens read at least some of these with me (as much as their school work permits)….
      As for the answer to your q, I have always been an avid reader (of multiple books at a time)!! But this focused reading of nonfiction titles for young readers currently is new certainly and for the Cybils Awards.

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