I can’t believe (not really!) that another month has gone by. While I had hoped to post oftener than I have this past month, well, it did not. Anyways, I bid October goodbye, as next up is non-fiction November. Since I will anyway be reading loads of non-fiction for the Cybils Awards, I decided this is a good year to join the Nonfiction November challenge. This takes place from November 2 through the 30th, and is hosted by Katie at Doing Dewey, Rennie at What’s Nonfiction, Julie at Julz Reads, and Leann at Shelf Aware.

Nonfiction November
So here is a short overview of what to expect from this challenge. You can check any of the links below for more details and to let the hosts know you are participating.
Week 1: (November 2-6) – Leann will be kicking things off with Your Year in Nonfiction
Week 2: (November 9-13) – Julie will be rocking Book Pairing
Week 3: (November 16-20) – Rennie is asking you to Be The Expert/Ask the Expert/Become the Expert
Week 4: (November 23-27) – Katie’s rounding things up with New to My TBR
Week 5: (Nov. 30) – cap it off…
Instagram Posts, anyone?
If you want to join in a related IG daily photo challenge, here is one for you

And Now, the End of This Post
Dear reader, will you be reading nonfiction during nonfiction November? Any plans to join this challenge? And as always, I welcome recommendations from you for nonfiction reads. You know you will be seeing many posts about my nonfiction reads this coming month!!
And since it is October 31st, here is a pic of one of drawings from last year’s Inktober for you!

I’ve made a list of my favorite nonfiction from last here here: https://readerbuzz.blogspot.com/2020/10/nonfiction-november-your-year-in.html. I also enjoy taking a look at the blogs who link up each week with the prompt.
Your reading lists always make my TBR much much bigger 🙂