February 1st is apparently National Get Up Day; or rather the day that reminds us to pick ourselves up when we’ve fallen and given it (whatever it may be) another go! Most likely for all those resolutions that many (including me) plan to have another go at. So that is where I am – where I know I need to get up, and keep going. While I have done fairly well at most of my resolutions, I need to keep at them, and work on the couple I seem to have let slip a bit. So here is to getting up and persevering!

Poetic Sundays
From Wales last week to Israel via Japan is where my poetic wanderings take me as I bring you the Kimo.
So what is the Kimo poetic form?
A Kimo is a haiku variation from Israel.
Like the haiku, it has three unrhymed lines, and is syllabic rather than metered.
It is different from the haiku in that
- it has a few more syllables – a total of 23 syllables actually (differences between the languages these forms are used in)
- only one rule to follow – it should be a snapshot in time, without movement.
The Kimo’s Characteristics
So the kimo’s elements are that it is:
- a tristich: 3 line stanza (can have more than one stanza, if the poet desires)
- syllabic: 10-7-6 syllables
- unrhymed
- deals with a single moment, a static image, a snapshot in time; so it is more like a photograph than a video, more frozen than moving. This makes the kimo a wonderful form for reflection.
- L1 – ten syllable line – xxxxxxxxxa
- L2 – seven syllable line – xxxxxxb
- L3 – six syllable line – xxxxxc
Play With the Form
You could connect multiple Kimo if you wish.
h/t: Writer’s Digest, ThanetWriters
My Example
A smile on the verge of just happening,
Eyes wide open in wonder,
Caught on a pink bowed box.
– Vidya Tiru @ LadyInReadWrites
On My Blog
Five posts this past week, and while I did not share all the reviews I meant to, I did manage a few!
- Sunday Scribblings #57: Still Wowed By How Wonderful The Hill We Climb Is
- Review of The Cat I Never Named : A True Story of Love, War, and Survival
- Ten Authors I Read-Loved For the First Time in 2020
- Books That Will Help Us Make the World a Better Place
- Book Review: Honeysuckle Season
And the Home Front
Well, it has been raining for most of the week, and that is definitely much-needed. Luckily the weekend cleared up so we could work on our garden for a bit, and get some sunshine as well as exercise in the process!
On My Blog and Home Front
Review posts for books read over the last month I have not posted yet here; a post for my January audit challenges; a couple posts for pending Cybils nominees; and yes, the Ultimate Blog Challenge starts tomorrow..
This Week’s Celebrations
For this week and since the new month begins, here are a few(many?!) I wanted to mention…
The Days
The Foodie Celebrations
Foodies have a lot to celebrate!
- Starting with National Baked Alaska Day on Feb 1st,
- followed by National Tater Tot Day and National Heavenly Hash Day on the 2nd,
- and National Carrot Cake Day on the 3rd!
- We also have National Homemade Soup Day on the 4th of Feb.
- Celebrate nutty sweetness with World Nutella Day on Feb 5th
- some more sweet treats on the 6th of February as it is National Frozen Yogurt Day
- and end the week with cheese and carbs on the 7th of Feb which is National Fettuccine Alfredo Day
The Others
- We have National Freedom Day (Freedom From Slavery) on the 1st of February, as well as National Get Up Day that I mentioned earlier.
- I need to remind my kiddos to get the ukulele we bought a couple of years ago off the display shelf and actually play it more often! Maybe should let them know that it is World Play Your Ukulele Day on February 2nd!
- Celebrate earth, or more specifically its wetlands on February 2nd with World Wetlands Day. This year marks the 50th anniversary celebrations.
- Read aloud on February 3rd – to your littles ones, or your loved ones, or just for yourself! Or post a video online… for it is World Read Aloud Day after all! Or check out the linked website for activities and ideas.
- February 3rd honors women as it is both National Women Physicians Day and National Girls and Women in Sports Day
- Thank your mail carrier on Feb 4th which is National Thank a Mail Carrier Day
- February 4th is World Cancer Day; having known as well as lost family and friends to cancer, I
- The first Saturday of every month is National Play Outside Day. Not that we should need a day to do so, but it is good to have one that reminds us when we need it!
- February 6th is International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation. Raising awareness for such issues is certainly critical
- Then we have National Periodic Table Day and National Send a Card to a Friend Day to end the week on Feb 7th.
The Weeks
- African Heritage and Health Week – February 1-7
- Boy Scout Anniversary Week – February 4-10 Annuall
- International Networking Week – First Full Week
The Month
- Black History Month
- National Bake for Family Fun Month
- National Bird Feeding Month
- Creative Romance Month
- National Heart Month
- National Library Lover’s Month
- Free and Open Source Software Month
- National Hot Breakfast Month
- National Snack Food Month
Wrapping up my Sunday Scribblings
So dear reader, this was it for my Sunday Scribblings. I would love to hear your comments on my post(s), poetic Sunday section, and anything else. And which of these days do you plan to celebrate (or any other)? Also, I do look forward to reading your poems (if you have attempted one or the other forms so far?!)
Linking this to the Sunday Post over at the Caffeinated Reviewer and the Sunday Salon
It’s a good reminder to have today, a month after making resolutions, to look at them again and see how we are doing. I feel pretty happy about where I am, but I am going to re-resolve (if that’s a word) to keep things light. Play. That’s my word for 2021.
I do like the kimo. I will give that a whirl today.
I hope you have a lovely week!
Thank you Deb!! and you are definitely an inspiration to me to keep going..
This is a very good idea
thanks Sarah
I love reading this series every week
Kimmy, comments like yours about the series keep me writing it as well.. thank you
I like the idea of National Get Up Day. I hadn’t heard of it before. Neat!
isn’t it?definitely inspires me to keep going
Learned a few things from your post. Thank you for sharing. And yes, I could benefit from getting up myself.
thank you Len!
I like the idea of looking back at our resolutions!
yes, keeps me more aware of what I am doing (or not doing!)
That is a cute poem! I have not heard of this form before, will have to try making my own kimo
thank you.. And would love to see your kimo
I actually have a very busy schedule from work last week but I am happy that I am able to manage my time in doing all my tasks and for this week, I am looking forward to celebrating the National Homemade Soup Day with my family.
that is so cool!! and would love to see the soup you make
This is definitely a great reminder for all of us and to assess ourselves. Love the content and for sharing such amazing information that is very detailed.
thanks for your lovely comments Catherine
I love how you have everything planned out. This is what I have to do to stay on track!
I am good at the planning part for sure!! Now I need to work a little harder on the execution part too 🙂
Wow I just learned so much – I had no idea about most of those special days!
🙂 while i might not celebrate all these, it is fun to check them out and make an effort for the ones that matter or are the most fun…