
My Wednesday Thursday Post… Post one – Memes

For Acrostic Only(Two words – Fashionably Late), Theme Thursday(Neighbors), ABC
(letter Q), Three Word
(dampen, keep, tremble):
Wednesday Memes @ MyRandRSpace

Fashionably Late
First came blogging breaks
After that dampened
Schedules made for weeks
Hour to hour actually
Indeed, DH said ,little
Overdone, don’t you think
Never, said I, never
All my neighbors
Blogger neighbors I mean
Likely  do, else how
You think they manage
Lightbulb! They keep
And that’s quintessential, Not
Tremble after
making them
Even when fashionably late.
(like Wednesday posts on Thursdays or even later!! – like all
my posts this week of my return from my blogging break!)

So, here is my question to my blogger friends and neighbors:

How do you manage, really? I made schedules, and remade them, and am still
wondering how I can pull it off – I thought I will be able to have enough posts
to schedule them for the days I know I will be away from my laptop but …

I know the quintessential rule here is to keep to a schedule
but how to do that? 

 “Today, Gallo makes 900
million bottles of wine every year and dominates retail shelf space countrywide
by stealth packaging its wine under more than 60 brands, including Barefoot Cellars……..”

From ‘Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader Plunges into California’

10 thoughts on “My Wednesday Thursday Post… Post one – Memes

  1. Oh, isn't that the challenge, keeping up with the set schedule. I must admit that organization has never been my strong suit. So the way I see it is if I get it done close to the time frame, I'm happy. Great poem. I can fully relate to that time-table frustration.

  2. Thank you for taking part in the ABC meme. I also schedule my posts and have done this for the whole year. So even when I am on holidays my posts will come up on Tuesdays, 12:00. PM.
    Have a great weekend!
    W il, ABC Team.

  3. I am always behind or late for everything. I guess if I used the scheduler thingy then that would help with my posts, but I always forget to use it. I know that most of the people who I know are organized use those little organizer notebooks that they carry everywhere with them. Someone I know had things scheduled in book at least 5 months in advance. She seriously would pull that thing out every chance she gets and continues to this day to use it. I think it just makes her feel like she is so important, kinda like a restaurant where one has to wait months for a reservation. I honestly would forget to use the dang book even if I remembered to bring it with me. I suck at organizing anything. I am trying to use my phone calendar for at least family birthdays and appts. I wish I knew how to be organized but I don't.

    That was a great question for us and it makes me wonder why I am so unorganized.

    Happy Theme Thursday, hope you are having a fun weekend.

    God bless.

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