Today’s theme over at ThatArtsyReaderGirl for TopTenTuesday is resolutions and goals for 2021. Since it can be bookish, or not, and since I already have a 2021 resolution post (which includes a general reading/writing goal), I decided to focus on the bookish/reading/posting parts and make the goals more specific using this post.
My 2021 Bookish Goals
I did not really include a goal for the number of books I want to read, because I do manage to read many books (last year I read around 200 just for the Cybils Awards reading mid Oct – Dec; granted half of them were elementary level books but since I know I read enough, I have to focus on the other …)
Use spreadsheets to track and Kal @ Reader Voracious has this super-duper template is perfect!!
Reading Challenges
Seriously work on my reading challenges this year (And also the others). And not add any more challenges (I added three just before I decided on this specific resolution!!)
Not request any additional ARCs from NetGalley or Edelweiss or elsewhere until I get my tremendously huge backlog on those reduced by half; and increase my feedback ratio up to the recommended 80% by the end of the year. (I seriously hope I can succeed at this one. My precious….)
My own books
Read at least 12 unread books (fiction/nonfiction) from my bookshelves.
Bookish Blog Posts
Plan on 2 to 3 bookish blog posts each week (reviews/lists/etc). I have done this for most of 2020 and just need to stick to it.
Pinterest and Instagram
Become a more active bookstagrammer than I am currently. Learn how to take better photographs for the same, as well as use better hashtags. Post to Pinterest more regularly as well. (3 times a week for each)
Interact with others about books more often (via blog comments, IG/Pinterest/Twitter, in person!). If time and — more importantly — circumstances permit, visit bookstores (those ones I have discovered locally and those yet to discover) and bookish places.

And Now, the End of This Post
So what are your bookish goals, even if you do not blog about books or share them via social media? Your plans for reading and/or writing them?
Using a spreadsheet to track books read is such a good idea.
My post.
thanks Lydia, and now I actually need to keep using it regularly
Being a Cybils Awards judge helped me to read more books than usual in 2020. It helped that they were MG books 🙂 I read some really good ones, though!
Good luck with all your goals.
Happy TTT!
glad to know you were a part of the Cybils too.. I am already looking forward to the next one..
Good luck with your challenges! I use a spreadsheet to track my reading and it helps a lot. This year I’m also going to use One Note to organize my posts. I didn’t think about ARCs but like you I want to get more organized about those too. Happy 2021!
thank you! I really hope I keep it going till the end..
I am far too lazy for a spreadsheet. I use Goodreads and my Google Calendar to keep track of my reading.
tbh, I’m too lazy too and I won’t be surprised if I don’t manage it thru the year (or even a couple of months!!)
These look like great resolutions. My plan is to listen to new books for as many days as possible, be active on my blog and more active in the blogging community. On a less related issue, I plan to try out some of the quilling projects that I have in my quilling books. (which may become a post.)
that is so cool. i look forward to seeing your quilling projects Tasha..and I know I need to work on my drawing
These all sound like great goals for the year ahead. I’m impressed with how much reading you do and have no doubt you’ll meet all your goals.
Thanks for the belief in me Jo!!! that strengthens me for sure
I want to read more from my tbr shelves too, at least one book a month. Happy reading.
happy reading to you too!!
Good luck! You got this. 😉
thanks Kate.. and I know that I can, if I can use just an iota of your super organization skills 🙂
I have to get my Netgalley TBR under control as well, so no more requesting for me either.
I have the feeling you’re going to have so much fun tracking your books, enjoy 😉
🙂 i hope i do have fun else i will stop tracking them sooner than later