Blogging, Books, Current Events, Life, Lists, Poetry, Words, Writing

Sunday Scribblings #187: Musings Here and Thoughts There

Today’s post has no specific theme, or so, I think. It is a few musings here and some thoughts there, so that is how the title came into existence!

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Notepad and a pen over it with a cup of coffee next to it. words read Sunday Scribblings, and this is for Sunday Scribblings #187: Musings Here and Thoughts There

Poetic Sundays: Exploring Musings and Thoughts

NaPoWriMo’s Day 28 prompt is to write a sijo. This is a traditional Korean verse form. A sijo has three lines of 14-16 syllables. The first line introduces the poem’s theme, the second discusses it, and the third line, which is divided into two sentences or clauses, ends the poem – usually with some kind of twist or surprise.

The Joy Prescription
They say that, laughter works best; really is, the best cure-all!
So can you, my dear doctor, prescribe me some – laughter – I mean.
One last thing, one humble request, can you, could you, laugh with me?
~ Vidya Tiru @ LadyInReadWrites

Better Unwritten?
With pen strokes, I pour the words, phrases and more, on a blank page.
I wonder, for just a pause, what they mean, these musings, these thoughts.
My fingers, slip on well-known keys.. but the meaning, beyond grasp.
~ Vidya @ LadyInReadWrites

A salute to an author I need to really read more of in this above poem. April 28th is Terry Pratchett’s birthday, and I used a couple of his titles for inspiration within.


On My Blog & at Home

My recent posts since and including my last Sunday Scribblings. Each letter of the alphabet features a poetic form for the letter as well as one or more books (poetry related).

At home, it has been a quieter week as we return to routines after attending a wedding in the family and touring college campuses the previous week.


On My Blog & Homefront

Almost done with April’s month long challenges and now on to May which brings new possibilities…

This Week’s Celebrations

Literary Celebrations (close-to-it also!)

Foodie Celebrations: or A- Musings – Foods!!

Other Celebrations

Wrapping Up My Sunday Scribblings aka Musings

Linking this to the Sunday Post over at the Caffeinated Reviewer and the Sunday Salon. Also linking up to A-ZBlogchatterUBCNaPoWriMo (on Sundays, not to A-Z, Blogchatter)

And you can find all my A-Z+ posts (this year and previous years’ as well) here:

A to Z Challenge Posts

21 thoughts on “Sunday Scribblings #187: Musings Here and Thoughts There

  1. This post captures the essence of contemplation and expression, inviting readers to wander through the landscapes of the mind and heart. A delightful blend of reflections and ponderings that resonate deeply with the soul.

  2. Sounds like a lot of great celebrations are coming up soon. I also really love the poems you write. They’re always so great.

  3. Happy National oatmeal cookie day!!! I had no idea it was today. I’ll have to see if I can make some before the kids get back from school.

  4. I really enjoyed your poem! I’ve never heard of a sijo before! Can you believe we are entering May already … wow!

  5. I always enjoy your posts and The Joy Prescription is everything! I always enjoy your writing and appreciate you sharing this post with us!

  6. Raspberry Popover Day and Lemonade Day? Yep, you can count me in for those two. Be awesome if those were on the same day!

  7. I always follow your blog for the list of literary celebrations. Thank you for keeping us informed. We look forward to the free comic day this weekend 🙂

  8. Your musings are so engaging and refreshing. I used to write a lot and express myself through poetic means. After the kids, I have had less time to do so. Your post honestly makes me want to try again. Also, I appreciate the literary birthday information. Thank you!

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