So here I go again; running behind on my posts. This time, I am playing catch up. First up, another guest post book review. The book: More Girls Who Rocked the World and the guest: my dd. I present her thoughts below just as she had written them 🙂 You can read previous guest posts by her here(a book review) and here(DIY lotion bars).
NOTE: This post contains affiliate links. If you click through and purchase a book, I’ll receive a small commission. Thank you for supporting my blog.
More Girls Who Rocked the World

Title: More Girls Who Rocked the World: Heroines from Ada Lovelace to Misty Copeland
Author: Michelle Roehm McCann
Illustrator: David Hahn
Age Range: 8 – 13 years
Paperback: 320 pages
Publisher: Aladdin/Beyond Words (October 3, 2017)
Source: Local Library
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My dd’s thoughts
I recently read the book “More Girls Who Rocked the World” by, Michelle Roehm. I highly recommend this book for multiple reasons.
One big factor of this book that I enjoyed is that it includes women who are not just big inspirations like the first woman sort of thing but also people in other fields such as popular YouTubers, singers, and actresses. Even though industries like this have many women in them, I think it is cool to learn all that they can teach us; and learn about their lives. I learned that so many of them dealt with a lot more than we think.
One more reason why I enjoyed this book is because it talks about some lesser known women such as Jazz Jennings and Mary Lou Williams.
Finally, one interesting factor about this book is that at the end of each woman that they talk about (45 in total), there is a short paragraph with comments from girls like me (and women) talking about their goals and dreams. This inspired me a lot.
In Summary
While I did not read this book myself, my daughter’s review (in her own words above) hopefully lets you know that this is a book to add for your school and home libraries – a wonderful gift for your tween and younger teens.
So go ahead, find inspiration in the pages of books!
And so my bookish summer continues…..
This was for Day 19 of my bookish summer.. as I take a blogging journey along with fellow UBCers and other blogger friends all around the world. Once again, thank you for your support always!
Here are my previous Bookish Summer posts:
- A Bookish Summer Begins
- She Reads…..They Read..
- Tag: My Blog’s Name in TBR Books
- Re(a)d, White and Blue
- 15 Cool Words Every Book Lover Should Know
- Book Review: A Walk in the Woods (Guest Post)
- Sunday Scribblings #12: Summering Bookishly
- Hiking and Treasure Hunts
- Top 10 Fictional Bookworms
- Clerihew for Who
- Throwback Thursday in My Bookish Summer
- Sunday Scribblings #13: Summers Are Bookish No Matter Where You Are
- 3 Mini Reviews of Books
- 10 Authors Whose Books I would Buy Without Much Thought
- 5 Quick Tips to Have a Bookish Summer
- Summer Reads of Childhood Today
Excellent work from dd, I am impressed!
thank you DJ.. hopefully getting this feedback will ensure she writes more 🙂
Your daughter did a terrific job.
thank you Robin, I will let her know 🙂
I love books like this. Your daughter did great.
thank you Stacey! 🙂 will let her know