
memes and more challenges, really?

nom-de-plume (Acrostic Only), Three Word

Nina was sullen today
Of course I asked
My dear why sad
Do trust, tell me
Everything is not OK
People gave brutal reviews
Laughed at my book
Until their stomachs hurt
Me glad now I
Ended using another name

One more for Three Word

Why so sullen?
I asked my little one
Everything is ok, I trust
She said, yes, it is just
Oh well, mom, I was
Maybe a little brutal to that vase
There it lies – hurting – in a million shards
I had to smile at her words
And say, a vase is replaceable
Your smile though is invaluable!

For Wordless

prickly porcupine pair posed prettily

The guide at Safari West
told us he has never seen this prickly pair pose for a photo op together
before. We were definitely portunate!

Signing up for two more challenges since I am reading a few of each category anyways!

South Asian challenge– I did this last year and managed to
complete my goal of 10 books – the only challenge I completed last year –
this year, with all the challenges I have signed up for, I will keep
this at a modest 7 books as there are no specific levels for this and if
I complete more, then great! I will put up a post for this challenge to keep track. This is the sign-up post

The Sari Shop (current read)
The Twentieth Wife (next to read)
Bala Take the Plunge
Freedom at Midnight (crossover from another challenge)

to the Classics Challenge at  Sarah Reads Too Much – I am already doing the Classics Challenge
and hope I can get some overlap with this along with my other
challenges. Here, again, there are no levels but need to complete one book from each of the following categories.  I will put up a post for this challenge to keep track. This is the sign-up post

  •  Any 19th Century Classic
  • Any 20th Century Classic
  • Reread a classic of your choice
  • A Classic Play
  • Classic Mystery/Horror/Crime Fiction
  • Classic Romance
  • Read a Classic that has been translated from its
    original language to your language  
     – To clarify, if your native language is NOT
    English, you may read any classic originally written in English that has
    been translated into your native language.  
  • Classic Award Winner  –
    To clarify, the book should be a classic which has won any established
    literary award.  
  • Read a Classic set in a Country that you (realistically
    speaking) will not visit during your lifetime
     – To Clarify, this does not have to be a country
    that you hope to visit either.  Countries that no longer
    exist or have never existed count.

9 thoughts on “memes and more challenges, really?

  1. Enjoyed both writes. The nom de plume was a great write. I enjoyedd that fact that you used in a form that reflected the writers thoughts and gald she had used another name instead. Love it!

  2. Thank you for all the wonderful comments.. this time am not posting replies for each of you as had to catch up on many comments on my posts so here is a BIG THANKS for all.. Challenges are definitely making me read books which I would not have before and I am still trying to make sure I read with pleasure not pressure! The memes are providing me opportunities to write…

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