Family, Memes, Writing

Memeing through…. once again…..

An incomplete post making its way through the week:
For 3WW (damaging, ego, legitimate)

legitimate though it was
this mistake they pinned on her
the ego still took a beating
and a lot of damaging..

For ABC Wednesday‘s letter of the week ‘U’ and my theme of women writers, this week I have:

Thrity Umrigar is the only familiar name (that I wanted to read) that I came across for this letter. Her book ‘The Space Between Us’ was a book I wanted to read when I first noticed it on various blogs. I still have it on my TBR and hope to read it soon (or any one of her other books).

My random list of thirteen for Thursday 13 and Alphabe Thursday – letter C:

  1. C is for Crystal – why crystal? You say? DH and I just celebrated 15 years of married sort-of-bliss! 15 years, two darling little ones, and more-ups-than-downs later, we feel like we felt years ago, still learning more about each other, yet ending each other’s sentences since we can
    almost hear the other think.
  2. Clouds – I can watch them for hours and watch them float by telling stories in the sky.
  3. Cardamom,cinnamon, cloves, coriander, cumin, chilies  – spices!
  4. Cooking – not something I loved as a child, indeed, I never did cook before I got married and moved here to the US. But as I learned more, I also learned to love it more, and though I am still nowhere in the leagues of other cooks whose cooking I love (including my mom and mom-in-law), I am better than I was before
  5. Cartoons – ‘Tom and Jerry’, ‘Looney Tunes’, movies galore that fall under this name – love them all, and now love watching them with my little ones.
  6. Comics – Again, a comic by any name – love them all. Comics first introduced me to the wonderful world of reading – in the form of Amar Chitra Katha. I later read many more – Indrajal Comics, DC Comics, Archie, Illustrated Classics – to name a few. I still love reading them.
  7. Chocolate – of course, how did I miss it earlier as I made the list?
  8. Computers – imagine a world without them today? It is tough to, even though I set my eyes on the first computer at age 13 or so and was in awe when I first typed an ‘Hello World’ program in BASIC, and was even more awed playing Battleship in a screen which filled with neon greens
  9. Custrel, czardas, cwm, curmurring culicino, crepehanger, couchee, contranatant, clou, cithara, chirotony, chiliad, cete, cathisophobia –Check out ‘The Phrontistery’ for the meanings of these unusual words
  10. California
  11. Corn, Cacao, Cinchona, Cotton – Four plants that started with the letter C were featured in a book I am reading – non-fiction for kids – called ‘10 Plants that Shook the World’ – a really fascinating book with wonderful facts about these plants and a great read for kids
  12. Challenges – did I pick up too many of them this year – reading challenges, I mean? Of course, I did – well, like this post itself, I am playing major catch-up with them as well. But the good thing about having them as a goal is I am reading – many different types of books – and that is enough for now!
  13. Connections by Correspondence – The concept of letter writing is now so antiquated, it
    seems, charming, even. I loved writing letters – to anyone I could – as a kid, even as an adult in my 20s, but then, it got relegated to the back burners at sometime. I am hoping to reinvent this chain of correspondence to increase familial (and friendly) connections myself and by getting the little ones involved in writing letters – not emails – once every two months at least.

For Theme Thursday, the prompt is ‘Evolution‘: I planned to write a poem, mix up prompts, do other smart things, but then, there was a cog….
As I write this post up, I realize I have a long way to go yet in the evolution of being a blogger. One write up on wikipedia explains that evolution is both fact and theory. In this case, it is fact, not theory. I plan, have ideas, dream up (literally when sleeping) more ideas for posts, explore other wonderful blogs – get even more ideas, and then during this process (of evolution), a cog in the wheel just stops it. It takes a while for it to loosen and when it does, you see a post like this (certainly not an evolved post).. So until I evolve as a blogger, you are bound to see more such posts. 🙂

For Haiku Heights: (moral)

Untruth told, one too
many, tangled in a web
Moral: do not lie
Overslept too long
Missed – one important meeting
Moral: do not lie

For Book Beginnings and Friday 56: From a non-fiction book I picked up ‘Parent’s Playbook for Learning’ – something I really need to read and learn more about.
Book Beginnings from the Introduction: This struck a chord with me – seemed like she was thinking my thoughts for me:)
‘When my daughter was born, it became clear to me very quickly how different her spirit was from both mine and her Dad’s.’

For Friday 56: (again, resonated with me – I still need to get to this page but this line stood out as something I think about my little girl!)
‘Even if your child doesn’t know a lot about a topic, chances are he will voice an opinion about it.’

For Saturday Snapshot and Six Word Saturday

My little girl – a Broadway kid! 

Well, not the Broadway in the Big Apple, but a show at the dance school she goes to. It was their bi-annual show on Saturday and it was a mix of fun, cuteness, talent, and passion as stars of all ages (from the tiny tots of about four to the young ladies ready to head to college soon) performed their hearts and feet out to an enthralled audience.

Sunday: For dVerse Poetics (Entwin(n)ed),Whirl (status park rest thunder spill steps shimmering yard page jets curb spewing), Sunday Scribbling: rain; Magpie Tales: Charleston Farmhouse Door image; SY: hub (sunflowers)



Mommy me, but one entity

That cool yellow flower in the park

That is me – mommy me

Dancing, leaping, playing

With the little ones –

In the shimmering drops of rain,

In the spraying jets across the yard

Lost in the moment across time and space

Mommy work”, “me work”

I hear the thundering somewhere inside,

The faint rustle of a turning page

I walk to the curb – the very edge

Answer the knock on my heart’s door

A chaos of thoughts, of emotions

Spilling, spewing everywhere

I look around at the setting sun

The slightly drooping, tired looks

I run the steps down to that spot

A pitter-patter of raindrops follows

To that restful hub of calm and peace

And now lose myself once again

This time in the quiet realms of dreams

As little ones rest snuggled

Right here next to me.

-Vidya Tiru/LadyInRead

16 thoughts on “Memeing through…. once again…..

  1. I love the boy cried wolf concept in your haiku. Having my own daughter (5) it is so important to be a good example because she copies so much, not so much what I say more what I do. Its tough and scary thinking of all the things she picks up on

  2. nice….i feel you in that last one….and like the really warm close there is a peace that comes all together…cute bits with the child too…my boys are a huge part of my life so it tugs…

  3. Congrats to your lil one for her musical!!
    Great 56 and beginning…. don't we all wish our kids came with handbooks… lol… mine are still healthy and alive at 18 and almost 16 so I think I did alright. 🙂

  4. Beautiful poetic prose for your SY entry. I liked the words at the beginning, "That is me – mommy me Dancing, leaping, playing With the little ones…" in reference to the tall sunflower amid the shorter sunflowers.

  5. I love when the little ones are snuggled close and sleeping. It is so peaceful and you know they are safe in their dreamworld. I too know what you mean about our blogs needing to evolve as we go along, not just for our readers but also for ourselves. We need to grow and we need to change how we approach what we write so that we want to even write something.

    Thank you for sharing all of this with us for this weeks Theme Thursday. I hope your week is going well and you are getting lots of snuggle time.

    God bless.

  6. You, my dear, can totally write with your eyes closed, I think.

    These were all wonderful!

    And I loved your photos! Your Broadway girl is beautiful!

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